44 facilities in Alessandria and Asti awarded

44 facilities in Alessandria and Asti awarded
44 facilities in Alessandria and Asti awarded

ALESSANDRIA – I am 44 facilities, including farmhouses, hotels, restaurants and bed & breakfasts in the provinces of Alessandria and Astiawarded on Monday 1st July by the Chamber of Commerce with the “Italian Hospitality” recognition.

The “Ospitalità Italiana” certification is an initiative developed since 1997 by the Italian Chambers of Commerce, in collaboration with ISNART – National Institute of Tourism Research, and constitutes a distinctive element for the consumer to guarantee the quality of the services offered by certified facilities.

The qualification of companies belonging to the tourism-hospitality sector occurs on a voluntary basis and is a recognition issued to structures in possession of the quality requirements set out in specific regulations.

In order to best qualify and enhance the structures of the sector, new specifications have been formulated since 2020 that integrate the certification process with a rating system, designed to transform the requirements of the specifications into KPIs (Key Performance Index), key indicators of company performance. The indicators allow not only to verify whether the company has the minimum requirements to obtain certification but also to analyze the level at which the company is attested with respect to 4 areas of investigation considered priority, namely:

  • quality of service: expresses the level of quality of the service offered through the examination of multiple requirements ranging from hospitality to transparency, from customer care to the qualification of the staff employed;
  • identity: expresses the consistency of the structure with respect to its proposal to customers, starting from the information provided through various tools (website, social channels, sign, etc.);
  • notoriety: expresses the recognition that the structure has obtained from social media and industry guides, which endorse its reputation and customer satisfaction;
  • promotion of the territory: represents the structure’s ability to tell the story of the territory, in coherence with its identity and with the tourist, gastronomic and cultural proposal.

Furthermore, the fulfillment of certain defined requirements “green” has allowed 12 companies to acquire the additional distinction of a structure attentive to environmental sustainability issues.

The awards that have been given to the 44 structures of our provinces – declares the President of the Chamber of Commerce Gian Paolo Coscia – are a sign of how tourism is a sector of “excellence” both from the point of view of the quality of the service and the innovation of the offer aimed at enhancing our territory. The 12 companies certified as “Green” are also a further feather in the cap

local economic system, not only at a tourist level. A “crowned” and “green” territory that demonstrates its readiness to take on important challenges in terms of tourist flows, both national and international, of various types and with diversified needs to satisfy. The Chamber of Commerce intends to continue on this path of support and certification of accommodation and catering facilities. For this reason, the Chamber Board has already approved the call for the “Ospitalità Italiana” certification – Rating 2024 edition, which will allow another 60 tourist accommodation and catering facilities in the provinces of Alessandria and Asti interested in the initiative to apply to obtain the quality recognition themselves.

Participation in the tender does not entail any charges for the requesting companies as the related costs are entirely borne by the Chamber of Commerce of Alessandria-Asti. Hotels, restaurants, agritourism and bed & breakfasts (only if registered with the Chamber of Commerce) that have not yet been certified can apply.Italian Hospitality” and those who have already obtained the Q Mark “Ospitalità Italiana” certification in the past who, if interested in maintaining the recognition, must request access to the new version with the rating.

Applications for the 2024 call can be submitted until August 31, 2024 with PEC to the address [email protected]

The announcement, the ISNART specifications and the forms are available on the Chamber of Commerce website in the Announcements section and at the following link https://www.aa.camcom.it/bandi/bando-certificazione-ospitalita-italiana-rating-2024.

Here are the certified structures divided by type and province:

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