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Bologna Transfer Market – Prass Tops the List, Ioannidis Difficult

Bologna Transfer Market – Prass Tops the List, Ioannidis Difficult
Bologna Transfer Market – Prass Tops the List, Ioannidis Difficult

The red and blue company is at the Search for a midfielder that he is able to act as the captain Lewis Fergusonwho will not be back for the start of the season. With the official opening of the transfer market, things are now starting to get serious and Bologna’s favourite name for that role is Alexander Prass. The player, in force at Storm Grazis putting himself on display with Austria at Euro 2024.

Alexander Prass, the best choice for Bologna

The Austrian midfielder has an important skill that could be very useful, Prass is in fact equipped with aenormous versatility. In addition to covering many midfield roles well, he was also deployed as a left back at the European Championship. The rossoblù transfer team has been following the player for some timenow he might decide to try to strike a blow.

The same Vincenzo Italian he seems to have convinced himself, he is the chosen one. Prass is the most credible profile at the moment, the Casadei track is furthest away, as are those of Bonaventura and Castrovilli. Alexander would meet again in Bologna even his current national teammate, Stefan PoschThe request of Sturm Graz is around 15-20 million, we will look for a formula with easily accessible right of redemption.

Zirkzee will easily go away, difficult to reach Ioannidis

The words released yesterday evening by Giovanni Sartori have clearly made it clear that Joshua Zirkzee will not be a Bologna player next season. In addition to saying this, he made it clear that there are already some names ready in his notebook that can best replace him. mission it is announced difficultespecially given the value of the player who is about to leave Casteldebole.

In the last few weeks many names have come out, one of these is that of Ioannidis, Panathinaikos striker. Negotiation with the Greek club however it appears increasingly complicatedgiven the request of 25 million euros, considered decidedly too high.

Source: Mattia Della Vite, The Gazzetta dello Sport

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