Feltri Apologizes to the Maids of Catanzaro, Extraordinary Women

Feltri Apologizes to the Maids of Catanzaro, Extraordinary Women
Feltri Apologizes to the Maids of Catanzaro, Extraordinary Women

The unfortunate exit of Victor Feltridirector of “Il Giornale” has been making the rounds in Italy amidst criticism and also support. Because, while Feltri came out with the racist phrase “Salis dressed as a waitress from Catanzaro”there are even those who have agreed with him. Forgetting, therefore, to separate political affiliation from simple respect for others.

Nicholas Flowerymayor of Catanzaro, has “taken back” Feltri accusing him, precisely, of racism and declaring that he would have taken legal action against him for the offense to women, especially to the women of Catanzaro who run businesses that keep the city’s economy going.

The pride of the waitresses of Catanzaro

However, it is not only the First Citizen who is indignant but also – as is right – the “directly interested parties”, the waitresses of Catanzaro. That they decided to respond to Feltri with a video significant in which, together with Fiorita, they reiterate their pride in being extraordinary waitresses, honest workers, and above all from Catanzaro. So much so that, almond milk in hand, they toast Feltri and respond politely to his bad joke.

Long live the waitresses of all Italy, those of Catanzaro a little more. The dedication to Vittorio Feltri

Feltri makes “mea culpa” at Cruciani

It may have been the video, it may have been the accusations – or perhaps the insults – the fact is that the director of Il Giornale made “mea culpa” and apologized to Cruciani and Parenzo on the microphones of “La Zanzara”. An awareness that, however, “does not erase the bitterness and indignation but at least attenuates them” – Fiorita reports.

Feltri never apologizes, Raggi knows something about it, and if she decided to do so, even if through gritted teeth, it means that she understood that she had made a big mistake. That’s enough for me. But we must not make the mistake of lowering our guard in the defense of our land and our children.
Proud of our wonderful women who with dignity, elegance and professionalism every day carry out a very important job for the reception and for the families. Also for them I have the obligation to continue in my battle, together with many Calabrian mayors, so that there is only one Italy, in solidarity, where all citizens must have the same opportunities.

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