Vincenzo De Luca’s move

Vincenzo De Luca’s move
Vincenzo De Luca’s move

The Regional Council of the Campania will vote on the request for a abrogative referendum of differentiated autonomy. The extraordinary session will be held on Monday 8 July from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm. The proposal, presented by the Democratic Party, the group of the President of the Region Vincenzo DeLucaAzione, Italia Viva and other forces of the majority, aims to repeal law no. 86 of 26 June 2024 which regulates the differentiated autonomy of the Regions.

An extraordinary session

The Regional Council of the Campania has decided to meet in an extraordinary and single-issue session to vote on the referendum to abolish differentiated autonomy.

The proposal comes from all the parties of opposition to the Meloni governmentfrom the De Luca president group, from Azione, Italia Viva and from other majority forces.

Differentiated autonomy: towards the referendum

The decision was made, as we learn, by the Conference of the Presidents of the Council Groups following the proposal presented by the Vice President of the Regional Council of Campania, Valeria Ciarambino (formerly M5s, now Mixed Group), from the Group Leader of the Democratic Party, Mario Casillo, of Azione-Per, Easter of Fenzaby councilors Corrado Matera (Mixed Group), Andrea Volpe (Psi), Fulvio Frezza (Mixed Group), Vincenzo Alaia (Italia Viva), Luigi Abbate (Campania Libera), Victoria Lettieri and Diego Venanzoni of the De Luca Group President.

What is differentiated autonomy?

L‘differentiated autonomy provides for the possibility for some regions to request autonomy in the management of some sectors. After months of slowdown of the work (obstructionism) and after an attack in the chamber, the law passed.

In short: you recognize thelegislative autonomyon some matters by the Region. These include protection, job safety, instructionscientific research, salutecivil protection and even energy, transport and communication.

The differentiated autonomy has been criticized by experts both for the more technical aspects (a greater influx of money to the Northern regions) and for the social effects. The common feeling is that this law could increase inequalities and divide the country, a decision that is not in line with the nationalist vocation of Fratelli d’Italia, but which is instead perfectly in line with the electoral program of the League.

The Regions are against

As established by the Constitution (art. 75) to propose the total or partial repeal of a law through a referendum, 500 thousand citizens or 5 Regional Councils. Hence the importance of the extraordinary meeting of Campania, among the Regions against the law.

A coordination of Regions against differentiated autonomy has been created, within which they find themselves SardiniaTuscany, Puglia, Emilia Romagna and Campania.

Other regions have shown intolerance to the law. In the hands of Forza Italia are Basilicata and Calabriabut also Sicily and Molise.

Photo source: ANSA

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