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Company linked to the “ALAMPI” clan seized in Reggio Calabria

Company linked to the “ALAMPI” clan seized in Reggio Calabria
Company linked to the “ALAMPI” clan seized in Reggio Calabria

The Guardia di Finanza executes the order of the Judicial Administration to combat mafia infiltration in the construction and waste sectors.

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The Finance Police of the Provincial Finance Command of Reggio Calabria, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office – District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Reggio Calabria, headed by Dr. Giovanni Bombardieri, have executed a provision issued by the Prevention Measures Section of the local Court, with which the patrimonial measure of the Judicial Administration was applied to a company of the same capital, operating in the construction and waste sectors, whose legal representative was found to be linked by close family ties with individuals close to the “ALAMPI” gang operating in the Trunca district.

The measure applied, within the scope of the action to combat organised crime, falls within the scope of the provisions of the anti-mafia legislation which aims, on the one hand, to prevent and impede that the free exercise of economic and entrepreneurial activities is exposed to the danger of mafia infiltration, and on the other hand to recover businesses influenced by criminal organisations.

In this context, the Reggio Calabria Judicial Authority, sharing the reconstruction formulated by the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria which, previously, had issued an anti-mafia notice of an interdictory nature against the company in question, noted the existence – at the stage of the proceedings and without prejudice to any subsequent different assessment on the merits – of a risk of mafia infiltration of a stable and not occasional nature.

The investigations carried out by the military of the Organized Crime Investigation Group of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of Reggio Calabria, in synergic collaboration with the other Police Forces, have allowed the reconstruction of the corporate events of the economic activity in question, in light of which, the Prevention Measures Section of the Court of Reggio Calabria, in line with the intention of the anti-mafia legislator to graduate the effectiveness of the judicial intervention with regard to the various forms of mafia infiltration or in any case of criminal influence abstractly possible in the context of business activities, has decreed, with the provision executed, the application of the patrimonial prevention measure of the Judicial Administration of companies for a period of 6 months. The service activity under review, demonstrates the high level of attention by the Guardia di Finanza which – in line with the rationale of the anti-mafia legislation and in line with the specific indications of the Reggio Judicial Authority – continues to be paid, as well as to the identification and subsequent attack of the assets and financial resources illicitly accumulated by mafia-style criminal groups, also to the recovery of businesses exposed to ‘ndrangheta infiltration, through the application of alternative institutions to confiscation, with the intent of “reclaiming” the activities and ensuring their continuation, safeguarding the free exercise of freedom of enterprise and the economic fabric of the territory.

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