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The Grosseto Anti-Discrimination Network presents itself to citizens

The Grosseto Anti-Discrimination Network presents itself to citizens
The Grosseto Anti-Discrimination Network presents itself to citizens

Grosseto. The Grosseto Anti-Discrimination Network is preparing for a series of initiatives in the area that will involve commercial businesses, associations and public bodies.

The participatory process begins on Thursday 4th July for the relaunch of the Grosseto anti-discrimination network (RAG).

The first meeting, aimed at all citizenswill take place starting at 5 pm, in the Pegaso Hall of the Provincial Palace (in Piazza Dante Alighieri 35, in Grosseto). At 6 pm, at the Palomar bookshop, in Piazza Dante Alighieri 18, the “Human Library” initiative will take place: Dr. Lucia Cortecci and a surprise guest will be at the center of a collective reflection on anti-discrimination. The “Human Jukebox” event will follow, where everyone can bring their own record and contribute to giving the evening its own tone.

The participatory process

The participatory process, desired by the Province of Grosseto and co-financed by the Regional Authority for Participation, has the dual objective of expanding the pool of members, supporters and nodes, and of redefining its internal structure, defining a governance model, rewriting its values ​​and drafting an Action Plan.

The path, coordinated by the company Simurg Ricerche, will develop between July and October with a series of events: During the summer months, Rag will present itself to the public at concerts and evenings organized in the municipalities of the Grosseto area; between September and October, instead, three workshop meetings will be organized, in which all the people interested in being part of Rag will be able to bring their contribution to define the governance model, the Charter of Values ​​and the Action Plan of the Network.

The Rag – Rete antidiscriminazione grossetana was created to bring together associations, public bodies and ordinary citizens in a network to combat spread of discrimination based on race, religion, health conditions, gender and sexual orientation, through various initiatives: training and information events, awareness-raising initiatives, campaigns, reporting and support desks, shows, etc. The informal coordination that makes up the Rag has come to define a model of memorandum of understanding and an action plan identified as good practices by the Ministry of the Interior. An excellence all of Grosseto that is “setting the example” and bringing together different realities, to try to change the daily life of the territory for the better. Active since 2016 and consolidated within the Fami #ionondiscrimino project promoted by the Tuscany Region and Anci Toscana, today the Rag wants to give a new impetus to its activities and expand the Network in the provincial territory, through the participatory process that opens to the public on July 4th.

The goal is to build, all together, a culture of welcome and inclusion so that every diversity is considered as a value. Carrying forward a non-hostile language, to peacefully contrast any type of discrimination.


All information, event dates and materials relating to the participatory process are available on the Partecipa Toscana portal, at the address on the Facebook page “Rag – Rete antidiscriminazione grossetana”.

The participatory process will end in October, with a final event in which the results of the process will be presented.

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