Confartigianato Cuneo against illegal beauticians and hairdressers

Confartigianato Cuneo against illegal beauticians and hairdressers
Confartigianato Cuneo against illegal beauticians and hairdressers

“By relying on unqualified operators, you expose yourself to serious risks for your skin, nails and scalp,” explains Davide Sciandra, provincial representative of the Hairdressers and president of the association’s Wellness Area

Fight against illegal practices: choose only authorized beauticians and hairdressers”. This is the name of the new awareness campaign against irregular work, applied in the hairdressing sector (“Legality is also a question of the mind. Say no to home dyeing”) and aesthetics (“Legality is also defended with nails. Say no to manicures at home”). To promote it Confartigianato with the patronage of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy. In our country, illegal activity in the personal services sector (which includes hairdressing and beauty services) is constantly growing with an irregularity rate of 27.6%. This is the highest value among the various sectors and far exceeds the national average rate, which stops at 14.4%.

This phenomenon has been aggravated by the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic – which have allowed the introduction into the market of figures who, despite the provisions to close hair salons and beauty centers, have provided home services, thus taking away customers from regular operators. Added to the picture is the recent proliferation of abusive platforms that operate online undisturbed, offering home or even itinerant services, without worrying about the limits imposed by industry regulations and municipal regulations.

To raise awareness among the population on the importance of relying exclusively on regular businesses and qualified professionals, Confartigianato, together with CNA, has created a joint communication campaign, sponsored by MIMIT, which intends to focus on the protection of citizens’ health, guaranteed mainly by safe and quality services.

«This important initiative – comment David Sciandraprovincial representative of Hairdressers and president of the Wellness Area of ​​Confartigianato Cuneo – was born with the intent to raise awareness among the community on the fact that by relying on unqualified operators, one exposes oneself to serious risks for the skin, nails and scalp. In a situation of non-compliance with the regulations in force, one can even run the risk of receiving treatments without knowing it that can only be carried out by specialized medical personnel, which can cause damage, even very serious ones, to one’s health».

«The awareness campaign – adds Maria Teresa Redprovincial representative of the Beauticians of Confartigianato Cuneo – aims to shine a light on the issue of home working by warning citizens that receiving treatment from abusive individuals in their own home or in non-compliant premises is illegal, and that choosing to turn to regular companies means supporting workers’ rights, the country’s economy and business development».

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