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Fight Gym Grosseto celebrates, and Gabriel Garcia exalts the Cavallerizza arena in Grosseto

Fight Gym Grosseto celebrates, and Gabriel Garcia exalts the Cavallerizza arena in Grosseto
Fight Gym Grosseto celebrates, and Gabriel Garcia exalts the Cavallerizza arena in Grosseto

Grosseto: Thanks to the commitment of the Municipal Administration of Grosseto to restore the dignity of the city walls and the decorum they deserve to make them accessible to the population, the Arena La Cavallerizza, renovated, has become a real jewel and the Fight Gym Grosseto with its President Amedeo Raffi and the master Raffaele D’Amico offered the Mayor Anton Francesco Vivarelli Colonna and his Sports Councillor Fabrizio Rossi the opportunity to celebrate it with an event of boxing to renew its old glories that in the 50s had brought it to the centre of the boxing world with those champions who made the history of Maremma boxing.

The organizational effort to create an event worthy of such a location was considerable, but the efforts were amply repaid by the success that saw for three consecutive days the arena filled with spectators intrigued by that illuminated ring in the middle of the amphitheater nestled in the greenery that surrounds it. The show could not disappoint and during the three evenings the boxers of the Fight Gym Grosseto, regardless of the verdict obtained, did not disappoint and honored the event by bringing back to the minds of the elderly enthusiasts who attended the deeds of the heroes who had poured so much sweat in that ring. Gabriel Garcia’s professional debut opposite Omar Kobba, he thrilled the fans present. After an unexpected knockdown due to a cold blow during the first round, he immediately took control of the match, continuously stalking his opponent during the rounds, hitting him in every possible way, even though he was unable to tame him definitively. In fact, he staggered, but did not give up and, using all his experience, he recovered in the counts and completed the test. The tests of the amateurs engaged in the international competition with teams from Belgium and Croatia were no less. Jonathan Pisano, supported by a warm fan base, beat the Belgian Tabala Romeo on the first night and the Croatian Marko Ramlijiak on the last night, thus conquering the Round Robin of the category. Mohamed Chtoui in the kg. 63,500 beat the Belgian Michael Choza Nawezhi on the first night and lost the second in the match against the Croatian Patric Licul, thus obtaining a draw in the tournament that ended with a victory for each boxer. The tests of the 57 kg Moise D’Alfonso were also exciting, who asserted himself in the two tests of the dual match with the Belgian Michael Choza Nawezchi, showing off all his imagination and excellent technique. Two draws in the two tests of the dual match between the 57 kg Francesco Libertie and the Belgian Salim Njima rewarded the performance of the two athletes. Good tests also by Rachele Perna, Ethan Marcucci, Andrea Corridori and Christian Alfonso who, despite being defeated, finished their test with their heads held high.

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