AC proposals for the boys – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola

AC proposals for the boys – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola
AC proposals for the boys – Diocese of Fano Fossombrone Cagli Pergola

In these days the calendar was shared with all the proposals that the diocesan Catholic Action will give life to during the summer. Children with their educators, very young people, adults will be involved: a network of people “mobilized” to prepare and live significant experiences, confirming the summer as a precious time to grow and live an experience of Church.

The experience of the school camps is certainly an opportunity for the little ones, to make them live protagonists, in need of careful listening, in a space to listen to what they carry in their hearts. It is also an opportunity for those who accompany them – adults or young people, priests and lay people – in the generous and passionate commitment to take on the responsibility and care of others and in the necessary concretization of deepening, study, prayer to better prepare for a service.

You have my word! Jeremiah a prophet of hope will accompany the ACR camps which will take place as always at inter-parish or zonal level.

Taken by the hand it is the school camp for the very young of the first classes of high school. In addition to some experiences at inter-parish level, the proposal will be repeated a diocesan camp in Sant’Angelo in Vado, with origins from various areas of the diocese.

Cloister: between heaven and earth is the usual summer event for adults, which this year will take place in two places to enhance, involve and encourage the participation of the different parts of the diocese. A cultural and spiritual itinerary in the church of San Francesco and the adjacent cloister in Cagli and in the cloister of Sant’Agostino in Fano to try to offer suggestions, thoughts and ideas on Christian spirituality, keeping together depth and lightness.

The training proposal of the ACR educators and ACG animators camp at Villa Prelato from 11 to 15 August is also renewed. In September, in addition to the end-of-summer moments for the ACR educators and ACG animators who participated in the camps, the parish presidents will meet again to begin a training itinerary dedicated to them.

Many will be accompanied by the figure of Jeremiah who, as a prophet, pushes us to have a look and a vision capable of grasping the presence of God in our own time and to act with Him: summer can be a time of discovery of meaning, of bonds, of prophecy and of a renewed mission.

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