Cagliari, announcement postponed for Nicola as new coach

Cagliari, announcement postponed for Nicola as new coach
Cagliari, announcement postponed for Nicola as new coach

The Editorial Staff Tuesday, July 2, 2024, 09:25

(ANSA) – CAGLIARI, 02 JULY – Davide Nicola still has to wait: the official announcement of the new Cagliari coach has been postponed. The agreement with Empoli is there (the coach was tied to the club by another year of contract), but for the “release” a bureaucratic step by the conciliation body is needed. And the appointment is set for next Friday. A hitch: the official announcement was expected for yesterday, today at the latest. But we have to wait: Nicola should wear the red and blue uniform just in time for the first day of training camp set for next Monday in Assemini. In the meantime, the coach in pectore has already unofficially started contacts with the sporting director Nereo Bonato to define the strategies for the transfer market. The list of players called up? Very provisional. Compared to last season’s squad, Cagliari has already lost several players. Oristanio, Petagna, Shomurodov and Gaetano have returned to their clubs. Aresti, Viola and Mancosu are also leaving due to the end of their contracts. Dossena and Nandez also farewell. Veroli, Pereiro and Kourfalidis have returned from Serie B. The other loans from Serie C are also in the group. No purchases for the moment. Luperto, tempted by other teams, also seems unsteady. The names being circulated are Atalanta players Zortea and Piccoli and Feralpisaló winger Felici. The Florentine player Nzola is also among the targets, but it is a very complicated operation. Viola could also stay. And the return of Gaetano is also being sought. (ANSA).

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