Quadratino Boutique | The streets of Turin

Quadratino Boutique | The streets of Turin
Quadratino Boutique | The streets of Turin

We are in the heart of the Turin that dreams, that Turin rooted in vintage and timeless traditions. A stone’s throw from one of the best ice cream shops in the city, Aria. We are in a small treasure in the process of expanding: Quadratino Peraltro Boutique. In Via Santa Giulia 32.

Quadratino, a story to be rewritten

Roberta, the owner, had never thought she would open a shop in her life. She studied law, but she has always been an extremely curious person until one day she decided to believe in her dream, the real one.Quadratino is the fruit of years of discoveries, desire to travel, believing in new realities and independent projects“, she tells me over a coffee from behind her dark wood desk. Her eyes are those of a positive girl eager to create new connections.

Meeting point for events and workshops

Quadratino has proven to be welcoming since the first months of opening workshops and themed eventsto discover new brands. For example, I was able to do a ceramic workshop with an equally talented girl: Ouimel ceramiche, which you can find exhibited at Quadratino with its wonders. In addition to having a lot of fun, the evening was perfect! The aperitif included in the event was delicious and satisfying, curated by Stramonio Bistrot, also made in Vanchiglia.

Quadratino really puts his heart into every event, he moves furniture, welcomes, solves, arranges, prevents, accompanies, in short: entertains the visitor. Not everyone has the qualities of a good host!

Brand selection

“By feeling,” she says as she walks proudly over her selection.Of course, I try to be innovative and choose only really special things for my space. First of all I talk to the craftsman, if I see real passion and attention to the raw material in him, I also easily fall in love with his production, trying at all costs to display it inside the shop”.

So many different things, from Supplies, ai jewels up to the perfumesQuadratino is a container of beautiful things like I haven’t seen for a while.

A renewal without too much effort

“How do you deal with the warehouse?” my soul as a visual merchandiser thinks about managing unsold stock. Often for small shops it is difficult to guarantee the renewal of the goods, and so it could happen to notice, with a careful eye, the same clothes or accessories that periodically reappear. At Quadratino this does not happen, because everything is contained, thought out and limited. “I wait for the collection to finish regardless of the season, so as to give the right amount of time to each exhibitor, obviously I don’t wait until the end, but I don’t like to act in pre-established times“, Roberta confirms with a smile.

Why we love small shops

After the boom of shopping malls, independent shops often lose importance, resulting in the least functional option when you have to buy something. Many options condensed in one large perimeter, however, are no longer the right solution for our investments. A few things but well selected, can help us to do a more conscious and targeted spendingin a more intelligent way. How to choose the right store? Know who thought of it and created it! Quadratino was born from a personal need and a great sense of sharing, the basis for the creation of a welcoming place that is attentive to the consumer. I recommend that you seek advice and ask, talk, enjoy this inclusive space full of wonder of the highest quality and Made in Italy from start to finish.

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