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Weather in Umbria, new disturbance arriving then heat and sun

Weather in Umbria, new disturbance arriving then heat and sun
Weather in Umbria, new disturbance arriving then heat and sun

A new disturbance will touch Umbria, bringing thunderstorms and showers, which however do not appear to be abundant. Then heat and sun. These are the forecasts of Fabio Pauselli of Umbria meteo, according to which between 7 and 8 July there could be another phase of instability. But let’s see.

“Today (July 2, ed.) we will have a dry break and there should be no significant rain in any area of ​​Umbria, while tomorrow (July 3) a new disturbance will pass, which will bring scattered rain and above all a drop in temperatures, with the mercury column – says the expert from Umbria meteo – that will go 3-4 degrees below average”. However, this will be a small parenthesis in a summer that is already well underway and that seems to promise well. “From Thursday, dry air will arrive at high altitude and therefore from the afternoon the weather conditions in Umbria will stabilize”, says Pauselli, according to whom “we will have a hot and sunny weekend, with rising temperatures that will go up to 2-3 degrees above average”.

After that, a new disturbance is expected: «Most likely at the beginning of next week, around July 7 and 8, we will have another slight increase in instability, with some afternoon thunderstorms, but I would say nothing particularly impactful for a summer – says Pauselli of Umbria meteo – which at least until mid-September seems very calm». Asked about heat peaks, the expert goes out on a limb: «If there are hot waves, we will see them in the second half of July, but we mean from now until then we will travel 3-5 degrees above average, we are talking about 35-36 degrees».

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