Good morning to Napoli, Cairo will not put up barricades in front of 35 million (La Stampa)

Good morning to Napoli, Cairo will not put up barricades in front of 35 million (La Stampa)
Good morning to Napoli, Cairo will not put up barricades in front of 35 million (La Stampa)

Conte’s pressure on De Laurentiis was decisive: without the Torino defender my project risks losing its momentum

Cm Torino 03/30/2024 – Serie A football championship / Torino-Monza / photo Cristiano Mazzi/Image Sport in the photo: Alessandro Buongiorno

Good morning to Napoli, Cairo will not barricade himself in front of 35 million. This is what the Turin daily newspaper La Stampa writes.

Napoli has set its sights on Buongiorno, it’s nothing new. What’s new, however, is that Napoli has been put against the wall by Conte, the architect chosen for the restart by those who won the championship a year ago: without the central player who makes people dizzy, my project risks losing its impact, Conte’s pressure on the owner Aurelio De Laurentiis.

So we have arrived at the final stages of a brief but very intense courtship: the number one of the Granata team, Cairo, will not barricade himself in front of an offer that is considered logical and that is around 35 million euros. From the blue to the blue, one might say. The Conte effect plays a leading role in Buongiorno’s reflections: under Vesuvius there will be no cups next season, but for a player who has reached the age when he takes his final flight, being able to work with a coach who knows like few others the way to enhance his players cannot fail to be a factor. In Germany, Alessandro lived an adventure that, beyond what happened or did not happen under the spotlight, made him mature: the blue group, Spalletti’s tactical obsession, the environment, the warmth of those who live far from home help you think and broaden your horizons.

Pedullà had clarified that the problem was Cairo’s desire to make a capital gain on the player

“Good morning, Napoli wants it. Where is the news? It is a news reiterated in light of the fact that in any case, its president Cairo wants to make a significant capital gain. He would like to earn the same amount he earned for Bremer: he was very good at taking 50 million, when everyone thought he would not earn more than 30 but in the end he was better.

This time I think it’s hard to hold back Buongiorno: I’m not convinced by the story of making him captain if he were to stay.

I think we need to raise the bar, with the Granata fans who would like a competitive market. Buongiorno is the first on Conte’s list, then two other defenders could arrive, like Hermoso. But with Buongiorno, Conte must be satisfied.

We are in the situation where Napoli must get the first offers. Napoli has offered 30+5 million and I understand that they have also secretly increased it for approaching 40. Will they be enough? But Buongiorno wants Napoli and will never say it out of respect for Torino”

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