Scali del Monte Pio, residents’ alarm: “Dangerous and absurd traffic”

Scali del Monte Pio, residents’ alarm: “Dangerous and absurd traffic”
Scali del Monte Pio, residents’ alarm: “Dangerous and absurd traffic”

It was October 2023 when citizens residing in Venice reported a critical situation regarding traffic on the Monte Pio landing stages for the failure of an ambulance to pass due to parked cars and barriers. The story repeated itself in the same way last Sunday, June 30, when an emergency vehicle was called to intervene in an emergency inside a restaurant in the area but found itself having to navigate between construction work in progress and inappropriately parked vehicles. The residents once again, smartphone in hand, immortalized the whole thing and forwarded it to the municipal police and the relevant authorities, “hoping – they say – that the issue can be resolved once and for all”.

“Once again – they say – we find ourselves having to point out the danger on the Monte Pio ramps. The ambulance was unable to maneuver and hit the barriers that have been there for almost two years… 2 years! Obviously with cars in a no-parking zone all day that do not allow maneuvers. But now it’s the norm. Without forgetting – they add – that the firefighters reported that the road is unsafe, but obviously there are cars, scooters and restaurant tables on it”.

“And let’s not count the fact – they continue – that if a car had come in the opposite direction the ambulance would have stopped completely in the middle of the street. This is already the second time something like this has happened and it is unacceptable”. Looking at the images sent by readers, even in the photos taken the following day, Monday 1 July, you can see the cars still parked in prohibited areas. “Despite the signs – the residents conclude – which obviously continue to be moved at will during the day”.

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