Major anti-drug blitz across half of Europe: Perugia also involved

Major anti-drug blitz across half of Europe: Perugia also involved
Major anti-drug blitz across half of Europe: Perugia also involved

A major anti-drug blitz has been underway since the first light of dawn in six Italian provinces including Perugia. The police forces of some foreign countries are also involved, namely Spain, Germany, Belgium and Ukraine. In particular, 14 precautionary measures issued by the investigating judges of the courts of Teramo and L’Aquila are being executed at the request of the DDA of the Abruzzo capital and the public prosecutor’s office of Teramo. The magistrates are contesting the crimes of association aimed at illicit drug trafficking and illicit production, trafficking and possession of narcotics. In detail, the Italian authorities are working, in addition to Perugia and Teramo, also in Pescara, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno and Brescia. The investigators believe that the suspects belong to or are connected to an organization operating in the national territory, in Germany and in Spain, with further contacts in Belgium and in Ukraine.

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