Summer 2024, the Avis Regionale Calabria campaign kicks off

Summer 2024, the Avis Regionale Calabria campaign kicks off
Summer 2024, the Avis Regionale Calabria campaign kicks off

Will last until August 31st and has the aim of promoting and stimulating the culture of givingespecially in a period of the year in which, cyclically, shortages of blood components can occur: the summer. We are talking about “Come back to the real world: donate blood and plasma”the campagna made by Avis Regional Calabria.

The campaign poster with the QR Code to consult the donation calendar

Designed on the wave of enthusiasm generated by the film REVERSE “from virtual to real”the initiative It is aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years of age That will approach donation for the first time: in fact, in every fixed and mobile collection point of the association located in the Calabrian provinces, everyone will receive the INVERSO project icon t-shirt with the campaign’s symbolic phrase: “Go back to the real world and donate blood”. All this to encourage new donations, promote the culture of donating plasma and blood and raise awareness among new generations.

The delivery of the T-shirts will be immortalised in a photography to be sent via WhatsApp to Avis Regionale Calabria (the number to refer to is 388.4999342) indicating the name, age and place of residence of the new donor. At the same time, all those who have donated for the first time will have to fill in theinformation to authorize the publication of your photo on social channelsso as to help spread the campaign. The same documentation must be sent via WhatsApp along with the photograph and then returned in paper copy to the relevant Provincial Avis which, in turn, will send it to our Regional office.

Please note that if the photo sent to Avis Regionale Calabria is not accompanied by the signed information, it cannot be published.

Each Provincial office, in order for the project to be possible, will receive INVERSO t-shirts to distribute to the Municipal or base offices.

In the poster of the event is present QR Code through which you can consult the summer donation calendar which will be organized in Calabria.

All the others information are available at this link.

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