Differentiated autonomy: Veneto asks the government for the first 9 non-Lep subjects

Differentiated autonomy: Veneto asks the government for the first 9 non-Lep subjects
Differentiated autonomy: Veneto asks the government for the first 9 non-Lep subjects

The Veneto Region has asked the government to reopen negotiations to obtain differentiated autonomy. Requests for greater autonomy were immediately made in the 9 “non-Lep” subjects, i.e. those for which it is not necessary for the State to first establish the Essential Levels of Performance. In the letter to Prime Minister Meloni, Governor Zaia asked to add, for an initial investigation of the more complex attribution profiles, also the subjects for which the Lep are necessary, which are the subject of the 2018 pre-agreement, i.e. labor policies, education, health, environmental and ecosystem protection. “We are willing to twin with a Southern Region and test this system so that inequalities go away” added Zaia.

Letter sent to Prime Minister Meloni and Minister Calderoli

The letter that the governor of Veneto formally signed at the end of the press conference in which he announced the resumption of negotiations with the government for differentiated autonomy is addressed to Prime Minister Meloni and Minister Calderoli. “The first objective is to bring home those delegated functions of the nine non-Lep subjects that can be managed in a decentralized manner,” explained Zaia. Among these, four will be those already the result of the pre-agreement with the then Gentiloni government at the end of 2017, because the fifth, school, is instead subject to the Lep. On Autonomy, “we will ask for the nine non-Lep subjects with the relative functions but the contents will be the result of a gradual negotiation with no rush on our part. It will be a great test for everyone, not just for us. I hope that this first phase of negotiations can be closed with a draft agreement by the end of the year. In any case, we already have all the dossiers ready for each subject,” explained Veneto governor Luca Zaia.

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“One of the functions – Zaia specified – could be to give the President of the Region the possibility of being the civil protection authority, which he already is, but also of being able to make derogation ordinances. Veneto is ready; we have created 23 dossiers each for each subject. This allows us to be able to deal with full knowledge of the facts and to bring a proposal for differentiated autonomy for Veneto that is responsible, and above all that is close to the citizens”. He then recalled that “the approved law provides that the essential levels of performance are defined within 24 months, and so it will be. From that moment on we will also have the opportunity to deal with the last 14 subjects”. Zaia finally reiterated that “it is in the corporate purpose of the governor to have more competences to give answers to his citizens”.

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Zaia: on autonomy we are willing to twin with the Southern Region

“We will be willing to immediately twin with a Southern Region, and test this autonomy together, because this is truly the challenge. Let’s make sure that inequalities go away”. This was stated to journalists by the President of Veneto Luca Zaia. The closing of the agreement on differentiated autonomy within the year, added Zaia, “will allow us to restart negotiations and to at least think about starting to negotiate on the first nine matters not subject to the Lep, such as Civil Protection for example”.

in-depth analysis

Differentiated autonomy, what will the Regions ask for?

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