Best barista in Cesena. Virginia Calandrini wins

Best barista in Cesena. Virginia Calandrini wins
Best barista in Cesena. Virginia Calandrini wins

Virginia Calandrini of Chiosko Savelli is the best barista in Cesena. Word of 764 readers of Carlino who filled out and sent in the coupons published up to June 29th. A shower of coupons: almost six thousand in total those that arrived in the editorial office. Second place for Sara Cammisa of Mondo Caffé (687 votes) and third place for Ilaria Ricci of the Olivi pastry shop in via Madonna dello Schioppo (676). Followed by Ylenia Tisselli (584), Rudi Sherifi (491), Claudia del Pennys (280), Camilla di Porta Trova (226), Susanna Bonanno (218), Daniele Lucchi (165), Lucia Brighi (156), Martina Fabbri (153), Gabriela Popa (148), Roberta Tintoni (140), Chiara Galassi (133), Antonia Rossi (75), Cristina Montecampi (72), Francesco Fesani (67), Alex Prati (58), Egea Buratti (53) and then around ten other bartenders with less than fifty votes.

“This is wonderful news – smiled Virginia Calandrini – the credit for which goes entirely to my extraordinary customers. And it is to them that I dedicate the victory. At the Chiosko a real collection of coupons had started, with many customers who took care of coming to give them to me, cheering for me. There were also those who collected them and kept them, to prevent the cards from getting lost. All this until the final rush, when in the last few days many arrived with real packages: ‘You deserve it because you are the best barista in the city’, they told me. I am really happy: with the prize and above all with all the affection I have received. In some cases even anonymously. I thank everyone: it is a great incentive to continue working with the utmost commitment”.

Even more so because Virginia feels at home behind the counter at Chiosko: “I’ve been here for four years and I’m going for the fifth. I love this job, which I learned about when I was still little and watched my mother work in the restaurant she ran. I’ve always wanted to stay in this environment and since I’ve been working at Chiosko dei Giardini Savelli I’ve felt truly fully satisfied. The environment is excellent, the place is well-kept, the relationship with my colleagues is perfect. There’s everything you need to put maximum effort and enthusiasm into what I do. Evidently the results arrive and are appreciated by those who come to visit us every day. This is the most important victory”.

The initiative was organized by Resto del Carlino in collaboration with Confesercenti and Moka Rica.

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