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“La Spezia deserves events like these”

“La Spezia deserves events like these”
“La Spezia deserves events like these”

The sun has just set on the Italian Athletics Championships. The feeling is that of having ‘absorbed’ something exceptional, just a step away from home. The reflections of Stefano Mei, from La Spezia and national president of Fidal.

Let’s draw up an initial assessment first?

“Let’s start with television, which is now the yardstick of sentiment: everyone described it as a fantastic show. There was considerable enthusiasm, a great party in the stands and on the floor. Many kids waiting for their favorites, in close contact, a choice like in Rome for the European Championships. From the point of view of results we couldn’t expect any sensational records, but certainly many pushed and tested, often improving their personal bests. You can’t expect them to be in peak form a month before the Olympics, we had expected that, but great results for Melluzzo and Fabbri, as well as in the middle distance, even though they aren’t that fast, and then Sottile in the high jump”.

Are you responding to those who asked if these Championships could have been held at another time?

“World Athletics provided some windows and we had to think about those. The European Championships were a success and a lot of people came from there, there’s no denying that. Those who thought of a September date, on the other hand, didn’t consider that in that phase there are the club championships”.

The compliments that made you most happy?

“Those of the guys with whom I have a special relationship, like Fabbri: they confided in me that the location and facilities are so beautiful that they would always like this national event in La Spezia”. What bad feelings have you experienced?

“To the injury of Vallortigara, one of our resources, a world bronze medalist. She is not a young girl, but I saw her determination, so she has already planned the operation to fix her Achilles heel in these days. Personal disappointments, however, no”.

A promising boy and girl who impressed her?

“Francesco Pernici has shown himself to be among the best (second in the 800, beaten by 5 hundredths in the sprint by Barontini, ed.). He is an example of a tenacious athlete, with a head. Then, Elisa Valensin, seventeen years old on the podium in the 200. She goes like the strongest, she is sensible and polite. But we must approach it step by step, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and let her rise without pressure. This search for the enfant prodige is always dangerous, I have experienced it first hand. Having the attention of the media and not yet being completely structured, can overwhelm you. In short, for now, let’s not ask her for the moon”.

How did Lattarulo and Irbetti do?

“The people from La Spezia have expressed what they could. It is already a great achievement to participate in the Assoluti, especially in a period in which Italian athletics is so strong. Two guys who are growing well and have given their all. For Lattarulo it is already the second time, for Irbetti it was not the race of a lifetime, but the context was complicated for a sixteen year old. However, having already two names in the competition, for Atletica Spezia Duferco, a ‘home-made’ reality from La Spezia, is a source of great satisfaction”.

What worked and what needs to be improved in the organization?

“I had no doubts that everything would go well. The price of inexperience, for an event of this size, can be paid especially at the start. I also know how much the federation I have the honor of presiding demands. Over 40 races, difficult to manage them at best, but everyone made themselves completely available with great generosity and every time a problem arose, it was always resolved in a very short time. The impact was important, but Spezia has shown that it can deserve events of this level. Next time it will be easier for everyone to enter the context, without hesitation”.

Future prospects for Montagna?

“We need to make sure, right away, that this is not an isolated episode, but that there is an idea of ​​progress. Not necessarily the absolute Championships, but Fidal puts on the field about fifty institutional events. I have lived far from here for many years, but I am a La Spezia native to the core, and I know the habits of the people of La Spezia. No one left unhappy from these ‘two days’ of sport and that is truly beautiful. For sure, the location and fields are unrivaled in beauty and with a few tweaks everything could be made even more special. Maybe who knows, one day it will become the property of the Municipality and then…”.

Maybe. By the way, the relationship with the Navy?

“Personally, I started my athletics career right there in May 1976 and the Navy was there. It will always be there in some way. It is clear that if the structure were owned by the Municipality it would be better, but the Navy has collaborated in the growth of this park and is an integral part of the city. The military leaders have understood the changing climate, there are no longer 20 thousand people in uniform, and they also make themselves available”.

Could the capacity be increased?

“We had discussed it with the mayor and we could have done it. Probably, in addition to the 1100 tickets sold, another 1000 spectators would have wanted to participate, but in that case the entire security system had to be evaluated. Now we have tested and we know the appeal and opportunities”.

What is Montagna missing first and foremost?

“To be more attractive, with a minimal investment you could make the track used for warming up, which is currently 330 meters, regular. The facility is extraordinary with those light towers that make day at any time. Then consider the grandstands, which were designed with steps for military parades and which could have a better development as regards the seats, but there are constraints on the part of the Superintendency, so perhaps you could intervene with installations in other points of the park”.

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