Salerno: twenty agents for summer services, and Vietri announces: another 21 are coming

Salerno: twenty agents for summer services, and Vietri announces: another 21 are coming
Salerno: twenty agents for summer services, and Vietri announces: another 21 are coming

The extraordinary services of the State Police with twenty more men stationed at the Salerno Police Headquarters and Battipaglia Police Station to serve the areas to the north and south of the province in view of the summer season. Waiting for the establishment of the police station in Agropoli che is ever closer, these are extraordinary services precisely in view of the increase in tourist flows and, in the case of the capital, to strengthen the security of citizens who leave their homes empty. Meanwhile, in addition to the summer reinforcements, another 21 units will arrive in Salerno who will remain on staff in the various specialties of the State Police. This was announced in a note by the Imma Vietri, member of the Brothers of Italy party. «The police force in the province of Salerno is being strengthened with 21 additional additions. Another 15 units have been assigned by Ministry of the Interior to the Border Police, 3 to the Highway Police, 1 to the Sisco (Investigative Sections of the Central Operations Service), 1 to the Railway Police, 1 to the Postal Police. I thank the Meloni Government and in particular the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi and the Undersecretary of State Wanda Ferro for their attentiononce again reserved for the Salerno area”, writes Vietri. Important additions in sections that were unguarded. Vietri then comments: “The safety of citizens is our priority. This is why the Meloni Government, through the Ministry of the Interior, the number of law enforcement agencies is increasing. In fact, there are over 4,800 new operators, including police officers and carabinieri, who are taking up service throughout Italy these days. Of these, 2,562 are Carabinieri who recently completed the 142nd training course and the first cycle of the 143rd, who are reaching their destination locations that will thus be able to benefit from new and younger resources. In particular – in metropolitan cities alone, in addition to the significant increase in staff that has already been recorded in 2023 and in the first half of the year, starting in July there will be a significant reinforcement of over 800 carabinieri. Furthermore, in the major tourist locations, a reinforcement of over 2,000 operators including Police, carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza has been planned for the summer season. Young women and men in uniform who will offer an important contribution to the Nation in the fight against all forms of illegality.

He then concludes: «Finally, thanks to the work of Fratelli d’Italia, security has returned to being one of the priorities on the national political agenda».


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