Altamura Weather, forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 3 July

Wednesday 3 July in Altamura are expected weather conditions variable, with alternating scattered clouds and overcast skies during the day. Temperatures will remain rather mild, with maximum values ​​around 27,3°C in the early afternoon. The cloud cover will be quite consistent, with peaks of 100% in the central hours of the day. The vento It will blow mainly from the northwest, with an intensity that could reach 42,9km/h in a few hours.

In detail, during the Night the clouds will be scattered with a covering of 61% and temperatures will remain around 18,4°CThe wind will blow from the northwest with a speed of 24,6km/h.

Al morningcloud cover will decrease slightly, with scattered clouds covering the sky for the 54%. Temperatures will rise to reach 21,5°C and the wind will still be coming from the northwest, with a speed of 24.2km/h.

In the afternoon the sky will be cloudy at 100%with temperatures remaining around 27,3°CThe wind will continue to blow from the north-northeast with a speed of 21,6km/h.

In eveningcloud cover will decrease slightly, with scattered clouds covering the sky for the 41%Temperatures will remain around 20,1°C and the wind will be light, coming from the east-northeast with a speed of 2,5km/h.

According to the weather forecast for the next few days, a slight improvement in weather conditions is expected with a decrease in cloud cover and an increase in temperatures in Altamura. However, it is advisable to monitor weather updates for any sudden changes in weather conditions.

All weather data for Wednesday 3 July in Altamura

Full Weather Forecast for Altamura

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