“If the repentant does not recant, we will kill his children”

“If the repentant does not recant, we will kill his children”
“If the repentant does not recant, we will kill his children”

If he doesn’t recant, we’ll hang him. In fact: if he doesn’t erase all the things he said to the prosecutors, we’ll kill him, then we’ll kill his two sons. Word of Patrick Bostithe boss of the Secondigliano Alliance locked up in prison a few hours after his release.

He was ready to return to Naples, after having served a long detention (year 2007, blitz of the then head of the mobile Victor Pisani), feeling free to return to his home in the Vasto-Arenaccia area. Instead, he remains stuck in his cell. Against Bosti (born in 1958) the most recent accusations of the DDA of Naples: he allegedly tried to reorganize the Secondigliano Alliance, imposing a decisive turn towards his long-time rivals, those of the Mazzarella clan.

A question of business, of managing activities in which to launder the proceeds of drugs, racketeering and usury. There is a background to the recent history of the boss of the Alleanza di Secondigoliano, which dates back to four years ago. We are in May 2020, when Bosti was released from prison for a case of expiration of the terms of pre-trial detention. He remained five days in Naples and, according to the reconstruction of the DDA, he would have worked to reorganize the criminal power in Naples.

The arrests

But let’s stick to the precautionary measure signed by the investigating judge Anthony Santoroin light of a joint operation by the Carabinieri, the police and the Guardia di Finanza: an arrest warrant against Hector Bostiborn in 1979, who is accused of having given orders outside the prison, despite being held under a harsh prison regime; but also Flora Bosti, and for the boss’s son-in-law himself Luke Esposito (which has obviously long since removed the phase of collaboration with justice).

In summary, Flora Bosti is instead considered the “longa manus” of the father: she managed the clan house thanks to which he “maintained” the affiliates, their families. Not only that. It was she who took care of investing the illicit proceeds and maintained relations with the affiliates on behalf of the father. Instead, the crime of money laundering is contested against Esposito, considered responsible for fraud: he allegedly sold “counterfeit” luxury watches to wealthy people all over the world, to then launder the proceeds in companies registered in the name of front men. Two years ago he was arrested while – together with his wife Maria Bosti – was about to fly to Dubai, armed with a fake vaccination green pass, thanks to the complicity of corrupt doctors or those subservient to the Camorra.

And this is one of the points of the investigations conducted by the head of the Naples Public Prosecutor’s Office Nicholas Gratteriwhich aims to shed light on the role played in Naples by a certain bourgeoisie of businesses and professions. In short, reading the reconstruction signed by the investigating judge of Naples, the Secondigliano Alliance is characterized as an entrepreneurial clan: “For years – writes the judge – it has recycled in the restaurant sector, particularly in Rome, thanks to a network of commercial activities, including bars and restaurants; but also in the energy sector, particularly with the management of fuels”.

A sector, the latter in which those of the Mazzarella clan are also competitive, in light of investigations that have involved entrepreneurs and professionals in the field of finance in recent years. Money laundering, therefore, a real driving force of the criminal economy, capable of attacking apparently clean segments. In his five days in Naples, in the brief release from prison in 2020, Bosti was also scrutinized on this point, in relation to an economic plot capable of infiltrating the virtuous sectors of our businesses.

The retraction

But let’s go back to the retraction of Luke Esposito. A dramatic chapter, linked to the publication of some statements made by the boss’s son-in-law. In front of the prosecutors Alessandra Converso and Ida Teresi, the 30-year-old son-in-law remembered the importance of the boss of the Secondigliano Alliance, who had always been tied by a blood pact with his alter ego Eduardo Contini. Then he remembered his father-in-law’s violent and vindictive ways. A hint of collaboration with justice that was suddenly interrupted.

Why? It is one of the points of the accusations against Bosti: on the one hand he wrote letters to his son-in-law, with affectionate and understanding tones, showing him maximum understanding towards the moment of confusion experienced after the arrests; on the other hand the threats. Esposito’s children were contacted to induce the self-styled entrepreneur to recant: “Shut up or we’ll hang you. And then it’ll be your children’s turn”. Defended by the Neapolitan criminal lawyer Mauro Valentinonow it’s up to the boss of the Secondigliano Alliance to shake off such insidious accusations.


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