The new president of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro was presented

Appointed by the Ministry of the University, Stefania Mancuso took charge of the role of president of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Fine Arts of Catanzaro: Contract professor of Classical Archeology at Unical and of Contemporary Art at IULM in Milan, Mancuso was welcomed to the headquarters in Viale Campanella by the director of ABAC, Virgilio Piccari.

“ABAC from June 25th – said director Piccari – has a new president and it is truly a pleasure to present it this morning to the teaching staff and, through them, to all the students. For me it is a special day, because in my long experience as director I have always had male presidents. I got along more than well with everyone and never experienced any type of conflict. The question to which I have always tried to give an adequate answer is to give the Academy credibility. We therefore face a future full of good intentions with Professor Stefania Mancuso, rejoicing and congratulating me, confident that the scent of our institution can spread everywhere. With this thought we will take advantage of Professor Mancuso so that the speeches can take place with multiple voices always in the name of the idea that the product of our institution is communicated in positive terms so that our territory contaminated by the pathos that we try to spend every day can take over” .

Generic June 2024

“To say I’m proud – he answered Stefania Mancuso after a firm handshake with the director Piccari – to be welcomed here is not enough. I owe a dutiful thanks to the Academic Council that selected my CV from the three that then arrived on the minister’s table. The second thanks to the minister for having chosen me from three names. This puts me in the position of feeling strongly responsible for the role that you are entrusting me with. This is an institution that is now long-standing and it is necessary that everyone works in synergy for its growth and for the growth of the Calabrian territory. I appreciated the beautiful passage of the director in entrusting the students with the stimulating role of defining the strategic activities of our institution that, like the others, exists because the students exist. In my old belief, I have always worked thinking about the education of the young generations. It is a common basis that characterizes us and will certainly lead us to work in harmony while respecting the roles, because the diarchy that characterizes the governance of the Academies can produce great results, with the director who must give strategic direction to the structure and with the president who must support its initiatives”.

Applause from those present and the inevitable and obligatory toast of good wishes. The term of office of president is three years.

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