“Inadequate warehouse for storing garments and lack of safety in the workplace”

“Inadequate warehouse for storing garments and lack of safety in the workplace”
“Inadequate warehouse for storing garments and lack of safety in the workplace”

The Regional Secretariat of the New Carabinieri Union of Campania, during the union meetings held in April, May and June, noted some critical issues relating to the clothing warehouse.
They were brought to light by colleagues, members and non-members of NSC, and by members of the Nuclei Radiomobili who, during meetings within the Carabinieri Legion “Campania”, asked NSC to intervene.
No sooner said than done: the Regional Secretariat sent a note to the Trade Union Relations and Military Representation Office of the General Command of the Carabinieri, illustrating the critical issues relating to clothing for the Campania mobile radios, starting from the clothing warehouse which would not be suitable for conservation of the leaders, also causing significant potential economic damage to the Administration.
Specifically, it has been reported that almost all of the military personnel have not yet received their summer boots or even their complete clothing.
Among the most serious critical issues is the report of the terrible working conditions in which the colleagues of the legionary clothing warehouse, located within the X°RGT CC Campania in Naples, operate.
The structure, in fact, would have a sheet metal covering without the right thermal insulation: inside, in summer, the temperatures would be desert-like and polar in winter.
In addition to this criticality, which colleagues would be forced to endure in the dead silence of the employer (law 81/08), the temperatures, very high in summer and very low in the cold months, also put a strain on the items of clothing stored in the warehouse which, as they degrade, become unusable.
Such an impact on clothing materials, if confirmed, creates, as already underlined, also a significant economic damage to the community, such as to potentially be the subject of reporting to the Court of Auditors.
NSC Campania, therefore, asks the General Command to intervene at the Material Office of the CC “Campania” Legion, in consideration of the fact that the operators who work on the road day and night cannot continue to be treated like cannon fodder by those who do not minimally consider the discomfort that an actual colleague at the Radiomobile Operations Unit experiences in wearing winter boots in the summer when, in some hours of the day, the perceived temperature is just under 40/45 degrees.
The Regional Secretariat of NSC Campania, therefore, reiterates its willingness to interact actively and proactively with the relevant Offices, in the name of mutual and equal exchange of proposals and solutions, with respect to the reports that come from members who daily represent the problems to their union delegates.
In this regard, it is specified that the notes transmitted in this regard must not be considered as attacks and/or “lèse majesté”; if anything, they are configured as a mere opportunity to make the Carabinieri more productive and closer to its soldiers, improving their working conditions.

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