General Assembly 2024 ITS Umbria Academy, future of hope

General Assembly 2024 ITS Umbria Academy, future of hope
General Assembly 2024 ITS Umbria Academy, future of hope

General Assembly 2024 ITS Umbria Academy, a future of hope

On the afternoon of July 1st, the Sala dei Notari of Palazzo dei Priori hosted the 2024 General Assembly of ITS Umbria Academy. Among the participants were prominent figures such as the mayor of Perugia, Vittoria Ferdinandi, the president of the Region, Donatella Tesei, the regional councilor Michele Fioroni, the Prefect Armando Gradone and the President of ITS Umbria Academy, Marco Giulietti.

The meeting was opened by the greeting of the mayor Ferdinandi, who praised the ITS as a model of excellence of the territory, capable of guaranteeing high levels of employment. This is a source of pride for the city and for the Administration of Perugia, since work is a fundamental element for individual fulfillment. In light of some negative data in terms of employment, Ferdinandi underlined the need to work to offer young people prospects of opportunity and fulfillment. The ITS, in this path, is a model of method because it has been able to dialogue with the world of production and business.

Ferdinandi also highlighted another objective of the Administration: working to counter prejudice against specialist education which, on the contrary, generates profitability, opportunities and, consequently, well-being for the territories.

The mayor then explained that there is a desire to facilitate this system, so much so that the mandate program envisages the creation of spaces and tables to facilitate the exchange of ideas and encourage comparison between supply and demand. The final objective is to give young people a future of hope and not of fear.

ITS Umbria Academy is a two-year polytechnic academy in applied sciences and technologies, where classroom and laboratory learning alternates with internships in companies. It was established by the Ministry of Education and Merit and the Umbria Region and is attended by the main players in the world of work and education.

The ITS Umbria Academy offers an excellent opportunity for young graduates and all those who intend to improve their studies to acquire high technological skills, in order to easily and qualifiedly enter the world of work.

The ITS Umbria Academy courses are delivered on the territory in the campuses of Perugia, Foligno, Terni and Città di Castello. The characteristics of didactic and curricular flexibility, the strong dynamism, the technological and digital footprint, the active participation of companies and the certified levels of employment achieved make the ITS one of the most effective and performing educational channels in the country.

At the end of the training courses, the Ministry of Education issues a Tertiary Education State Diploma equivalent to level V of the European Qualifications Framework – EQF.

The value of the institute is confirmed by the fact that ITS Umbria Academy in 2023 ranked first overall in the national ranking drawn up by the Ministry of Education and Merit. This recognition underlines the commitment and dedication of ITS Umbria Academy in providing high-quality education and preparing its students for a successful future.

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