Here comes the Weather Alert in Campania: days of rain, wind, lightning and hail


The regional council of Campania has issued a yellow weather alert for tomorrow, Tuesday 2 July, valid from 10 am to 10 pm. Weather forecasts indicate local or scattered precipitation, which could take the form of showers and thunderstorms, with moderate intensity in some areas, especially in the internal sectors of the region.

The yellow alert has been issued due to the weather conditions that predict:

Local or scattered rainfall.
Showers and thunderstorms, even of moderate intensity.
Higher risk of intense phenomena in the internal areas of Campania.
Precautionary Measures
To ensure the safety of citizens, the regional council has adopted a series of precautionary measures:

City Park Closures: All public parks will be closed for the duration of the alert to prevent accidents caused by falling branches or other weather-related hazards.
Closure of the Bagnoli North Pier: Access to the Bagnoli North Pier will be closed to avoid risks related to adverse sea conditions.
Access to public beaches prohibited: Access to the city’s public beaches will be prohibited, to prevent possible accidents caused by adverse weather conditions.
Recommendations to the Population
The authorities recommend citizens to pay maximum attention and follow some simple precautions:

Avoid unnecessary travel, especially in the areas most affected by rainfall.
Be aware of possible flooding in urban areas.
Avoid standing under trees, temporary structures, or objects that could fall or move suddenly.
Constantly follow weather updates and indications provided by the competent authorities.

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