From Milani to Rohrwacher, many guests at the Tuscia Film Fest

From Milani to Rohrwacher, many guests at the Tuscia Film Fest
From Milani to Rohrwacher, many guests at the Tuscia Film Fest

ROME, 01 JUL – Nine days of screenings and meetings between the arena in Piazza San Lorenzo in Viterbo and the Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo. From 12 to 20 July 2024, Italian cinema returns to the forefront with the 21st edition of the Tuscia Film Fest. Riccardo Milani, Alice Rohrwacher, Neri Marcorè, Giovanni Veronesi, Paolo Carnera, Romana Maggiora Vergano, Francesco Centorame, Enzo d’Alò, David Rhodes, Michele Riondino, Laura Morante, Stefano Fresi, Valerio Aprea, Giacomo Ciarrapico, Luca Vendruscolo: this is the team – in order of appearance and constantly updated – of the guests of an edition which, after the first eight days in the arena with over a thousand seats set up in Viterbo in front of the Palazzo dei Papi, will move to the Sacred Woods of Bomarzo for an event closing special. We start on Friday 12 July with Riccardo Milani who will be in the capital of Tuscia to present Un mondo a parte, his latest comedy starring Virginia Raffaele and Antonio Albanese; on Saturday 13th Alice Rohrwacher will be in Piazza San Lorenzo who will accompany The Chimera with part of the cast of the film, set largely in the province of Viterbo; The first weekend of screenings will close with Neri Marcorè, who on Sunday 14 July will present Zamora, his directorial debut, to the public. Romeo is Juliet is scheduled for Monday 15th, a comedy starring Pilar Fogliati and Sergio Castellitto and directed by Giovanni Veronesi who will be the host of the evening in Piazza San Lorenzo. Tuesday 16 July here is Io Capitano by Matteo Garrone, (winner of the David di Donatello and the Nastri d’Argento for the film). Wednesday 17th appointment with the Italian film that is the champion of the seasonal box office and with its two young protagonists: Romana Maggiora Vergano and Francesco Centorame will accompany the screening of There’s Still Tomorrow by Paola Cortellesi. On Thursday 18 July the great animated cinema arrives at the Tuscia Film Fest thanks to Enzo d’Alò who will offer the public Mary and the Spirit of Midnight, his latest work based on a novel by Roddy Doyle. With him the English guitarist and composer David Rhodes, author of the film’s soundtrack. Friday 19 July here is Michele Riondino with his first work Palazzina Laf, winner of three David di Donatello for best male performances (Riondino himself as best leading actor and Elio Germano as supporting role) and best original song (Diodato). Finally, on Saturday 20 July, the special closing event will take place in the Sacred Woods of Bomarzo which will open its doors at night for the occasion. Space for the homage to Giacomo Ciarrapico, Luca Vendruscolo and Mattia Torre, authors of the cult television series Boris. Ten years after its release in theaters, their comedy Ogni maledetto Natale will be screened, set in Cucuia, an imaginary village in Tuscia. Some of the film’s performers will be present and meet the public: Laura Morante, Stefano Fresi and Valerio Aprea among the first confirmed. Furthermore, during the evening, Ciarrapico and Vendruscolo will receive the Tuscia Terra di Cinema “Luigi Manganiello” award assigned to them and (in memory) to Mattia Torre. (HANDLE).

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