Bad weather hits seaside tourism in Liguria and the Savona area: -60% in June

Bad weather hits seaside tourism in Liguria and the Savona area: -60% in June
Bad weather hits seaside tourism in Liguria and the Savona area: -60% in June

Liguria. “The bad weather affected the start of the 2024 bathing season, resulting in a drop in beach attendance of up to 60% in the month of June alone, and even worse in May”. This was declared by Antonio Capacchione, president of the Italian Seaside Union which is a member of FIPE/Confcommercio.

In Liguria and the Savona area, according to a survey conducted on a sample of Italian beach resort businesses adhering to the SIB Sindacato Italiano Balneari/FIPE-Confcommercio, the drop in attendance on beaches and in beach resorts has reached 60% compared to the same period in 2023.

“The beach establishments in all regions recorded a double-digit decrease in attendance on our coasts compared to the same period last year – specified Capacchione -, with very heavy losses in Liguria and Lazio, the only exception, (with the more): Molise”.

“Those locations that are destinations for foreign tourists have suffered less, while Italian vacationers have deserted our beaches, mainly due to adverse weather conditions. We are optimistic because bookings for July and August are promising.”

“But entrepreneurs today must face and resolve major and serious problems that will affect their future and that of the tourist image of our country. In fact, the lack of a legislative initiative by the Government continues: the failure to issue a clarifying provision on the concession issue is serious.”

“An irresponsible and disconcerting escape from its responsibilities by the current Government. Even parliamentary initiatives such as the latest ones in the Agriculture Decree are blocked by the Government, without it presenting alternative regulatory proposals. We are planning a calendar of events on all Italian coasts to protect 30,000 Italian seaside businesses and 100,000 direct employees” concludes the president of Sib.

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