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Territory and flavours: chef Simone Tarchi at Il Tornabuoni in Florence

Territory and flavours: chef Simone Tarchi at Il Tornabuoni in Florence
Territory and flavours: chef Simone Tarchi at Il Tornabuoni in Florence

Florence, 28 June (askanews) – Since October 2023 he has been Executive Chef at the Il Tornabuoni Hotel, a historic structure in the heart of Florence that is part of the VRetreats collection of VOIHotels: Simone Tarchi, born in 1985, focuses on the territory and flavours, offering seasonal menus that change at least four times a year. “My idea – the chef told askanews – is to offer local cuisine, linked to small producers and try to stick as much as possible to the zero kilometre, given that in any case working in a 5-star hotel our idea is to promote traditional local cuisine made with top quality ingredients, going to find those little gems, those small local suppliers and propose the real Tuscan and Florentine cuisine.

So I mean zero kilometers expanded to all of Tuscany: you can start with fish, with a risotto with cacciucco alla livornese with ravioli alla mugellana here in the province of Florence”. The feeling, sitting in the Il Magnifico restaurant, is that you can have a sophisticated culinary experience, which however remains recognizable and believes in the history of the dishes it offers, in their strength, which does not exclude the dimension of simplicity. “I like to push on the territory – he added – I like to escape a bit from those canons of the 5 Stars, from gourmet cuisine, but I have had experience and I am seeing that by offering a local cuisine this is more appreciated by our guests”. Obviously working within a hotel structure requires a different approach also to the kitchen, which the chef manages throughout the day. “It is structured by always trying to keep excellent products – concluded Simone Tarchi – and with a service from 7.30 to 22.30 in the evening. Unlike a restaurant, in a hotel my role is to always be present from breakfast to lunch and dinner. So it’s about maintaining attention from breakfast to dinner, always ensuring continuous service”. Aspects that are central in a period in which the gastronomic offer is increasingly sought after by guests and increasingly crucial also for the dynamics and value of a hotel.

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