Fraudulent bankruptcy, transport company directors in trouble

Fraudulent bankruptcy, transport company directors in trouble
Fraudulent bankruptcy, transport company directors in trouble

CREMONA – The Guardia di Finanza soldiers of the provincial command of Cremona have executed, between the cities of Cremona, Busto Arsizio, Pessina Cremonese, San Bassano and Bolzano, a preventive seizure issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Cremona. The recipients of the measure are the directors, in law and in fact, of a transport company declared bankrupt, all of Pakistani nationality. They are accused of having diverted large sums of money by transferring them to their personal accounts and of having transferred a series of vehicles to a new company, set up by themselves through a contract for the sale of a business unit, thus causing the bankruptcy of the bankrupt company .

The operation conducted by the financiers was carried out on behalf of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Cremona, since the bankruptcy trustee was having difficulty tracing the causes of the company’s bankruptcy. Specifically, the spokesperson was the failure to comply with procedural obligations by the defendants, the failure to identify movable assets and the impossibility of carrying out inventory reconstructions, up to the unavailability of the Sole Director of the company. The investigative activities, supported by detailed financial analyses and other complex investigations by the judicial police, have brought to light an aggravated case of fraudulent bankruptcy involving the directors and their families.

At the end of the investigations, which involved four natural persons and two legal entities, Eight vehicles attributable to the bankrupt company and sums of money totalling approximately 230,000 euros were seized. The criminal proceedings are still at the preliminary investigation stage and, in accordance with the principle of the presumption of innocence, the responsibility of the persons under investigation will be definitively established only by an irrevocable sentence of conviction.

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