Bari Metropolitan Olympics, closing party on the city seafront

Bari Metropolitan Olympics, closing party on the city seafront
Bari Metropolitan Olympics, closing party on the city seafront

The closing ceremony of the third edition of the ‘Metropolitan Olympics’ took place on the Bari seafront, the event dedicated to very young athletes that saw, in one week, 2500 participants and over 400 tournaments played. The event, organized by the Metropolitan City, saw the competitions take place in numerous municipalities in the area: among these also Acquaviva delle Fonti, Adelfia, Alberobello, Altamura, Bitetto, Bitonto, Capurso, Casamassima, Cassano delle Murge, Cellamare, Conversano, Giovinazzo, Gravina in Puglia, Modugno, Mola di Bari, Molfetta, Monopoli, Noci, Palo del Colle, Ruvo di Puglia, Rutigliano, Sannicandro di Bari, Terlizzi, Triggiano, Turi and Valenzano.

The athletes competed in the following sports disciplines: A5 football, A9 football, F/M basketball, 9-a-side football, F/M volleyball, tennis, handball, athletics, cycling, table tennis, swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, taekwondo, skating, karate, triathlon, judo, weight lifting, kick boxing, archery, sports dance, ju jitsu.

The closing of the event took place with a great celebration of sport and entertainment as well as a parade on the Bari seafront of all the participants, parading from the Palazzo della Città Metropolitana to Largo Giannella. The flag-wavers and timpanists of Altilia Stupor Mundi of Altamura and the Majorettes of Murgia also took part in the event.

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