“Cesena is a different square compared to Palermo”

“Cesena is a different square compared to Palermo”
“Cesena is a different square compared to Palermo”

“First of all I would like to thank the club and the director for the opportunity”. These are the first words of Michele Mignani, the new coach of Cesena, presented in the press room of the Orogel Stadium Dino Manuzzi. The former coach of Palermo met with journalists at a press conference and illustrated the differences between the new reality and the Palermo square. “Describing yourself is always difficult – he stated -. What has always been recognized in me is a personal balance that I think can be considered a gift. Having arrived here in Cesena is a source of pride. In these days I am getting to know the ownership that is ambitious and growing strongly. I am very happy to have accepted the director’s offer”.

Mignani returns to talk about his Palermo experience: “This is a different place and a different club than Palermo. The prerequisite is to continue on the wave of enthusiasm – he added – even if it is a different championship and we will have to find an adaptation to a new category. We have a young team and we have to start from here,” he remarked. becomes master of the match, but we will meet equipped and organized teams. I think they will all be balanced matches and we will have to look for the best solutions to hurt the opponents. I still have a few days to think about what to say to the players, what is certain is that in football It doesn’t matter what was done until yesterday and you have to think about tomorrow. For some it will be their first year in Serie B, I will have to accompany them on this journey and football won’t be waiting for you. It will be one battle after another to bring home the three points “.

Goals? “The club will respond. For me the biggest objective is to create a competitive group and give the best of ourselves. I believe that modern coaches must have a broad range to read the game. Last year’s form has given its results and if the characteristics of the players allow it, we can start from there. It’s not so much the formation or the numbers but the interpretation. The idea is to start from a three-man defence interesting and this year they participated in the championship victory and I don’t see why we shouldn’t continue on this path.”

The staff will be composed of the assistant coach Simone Vergassola, the athletic trainer Giorgio D’Urbano and the technical assistant Davide Campofranco”. The director of the sports area Fabio Artico will host the event: “This is the first conference of the new year. A Serie B championship awaits us: we are starting off full of energy and we want to start working to prepare for a championship that will be very competitive”.

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