Former Ilva Taranto, all called to the Region

BARI – The Ilva case comes to the attention of the fifth council commission (which deals with ecology, protection of the territory and natural resources, soil protection, natural resources, urban planning, public works, transport, residential construction) of the Apulian Regional Council. This was decided by President Michele Mazzarano who convened the commission for next Monday, requesting the hearing on the ruling of the European Court of Justice on the production activity of the former Ilva of Taranto and the study on the health impact assessment (Vis), presented by Acciaierie d’Italia as part of the Aia procedure, commissioned by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE), with the listening of the president of the regional council Michele Emiliano, of the regional councilor for Environment Serena Triggiani, of the General Director of Arpa lawyer. Vito Bruno, of the Director of the Prevention Department of the ASL TA Dr. Michele Conversano and the Director of Ilva’s technical and operational division in extraordinary administration, Eng. Giancarlo Quaranta, who is also extraordinary commissioner of Acciaierie d’Italia in as.

«The ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the former Ilva, with which it was established that industrial activity must be suspended if dangerous, has an innovative significance for the fate of the city of Taranto» says, meanwhile, the mayor of the Ionian capital Rinaldo Melucci who recalls the initiatives taken as mayor in recent years, «from ordinances to administrative appeals, passing through the solution of a program agreement centered on the theme of radical decarbonization and technological transformation of the steel plant». ..


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