Decontribution in the South, Aiop Sicily “Applause to the government for the extension of the measure” Italpress news agency

Decontribution in the South, Aiop Sicily “Applause to the government for the extension of the measure” Italpress news agency
Decontribution in the South, Aiop Sicily “Applause to the government for the extension of the measure” Italpress news agency

PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – The president of Aiop Sicilia, Barbara Cittadini, expresses great appreciation for the work carried out by the national government and, personally, by Minister Raffaele Fitto, which led to the extension of the Southern Contribution Relief measure until December 2024. “The measure , which has obtained the green light from the EU Commission, is an important contribution for the promotion and development of the territories of Southern Italy and responds to the objective of overcoming the fragilities and disadvantages of the southern context with important repercussions on the employment front – states Cittadini in a note -. The decontribution at work rewards those who invest in human resources: even private healthcare facilities will thus be able to continue along the path of growth and innovation started some time ago, giving impetus to the investment plan aimed at strengthening individual entities in order to respond to the demand for health in an efficient, effective and punctual manner. Private hospital entrepreneurs had highlighted the risks of the imminent expiry of the measure but, with a sense of responsibility, they placed trust in the Government’s work, aware that the extension of the Southern Contribution Relief was a priority for the Italian executive, representing a important result not only for companies from the South, but from the South for Italy and from the South for Europe”, concludes Barbara Cittadini.

– Aiop press office photo –

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