Anti-Mafia: The Prefect of Isernia adopts three bans on companies with registered offices in Molise

The prevention and fight against attempts to infiltrate crime into the legal economy by the Prefect of Isernia, Franca Tancredi, continues, who has recently adopted three anti-mafia interdictions regarding as many companies with registered offices in the province of Isernia. The companies concerned are located in two municipalities: two in Venafro and one in Sesto Campano, operating in the sectors of activity most exposed to the danger of mafia infiltration.

These measures are the result of a detailed investigation conducted by the Interforce Anti-Mafia Group, coordinated by the Prefecture of Isernia. The group was attended by representatives of the local police headquarters, the provincial command of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, as well as the leaders of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate of Bari.

The provisions issued prevent the recipient companies from maintaining authorizing or granting relationships with the Public Administration and from accessing public funds, with a view to preventing mafia infiltration into the legal economic fabric.

This activity confirms the observations contained in the recently published report for the first half of 2023 of the Anti-Mafia Investigation Directorate. The report highlights the vulnerable condition of the Isernino area, which continues to be affected by the influence of the neighboring geo-criminal areas of the neighboring province of Caserta.

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