“Democracy remains. Now let’s work to unite”

In Urbino Maurizio Gambini was reconfirmed mayor with 4,354 preferences (53.8%). Over half of Urbino’s citizens chose the centre-right coalition for the third mandate. A long electoral campaign with a run-off at the end, exactly like 10 years ago when after almost 70 years the centre-left government was defeated. In this electoral round Gambini, at the helm of Città Concrete, challenged Federico Scaramucci (3,849 preferences – 47%) at the head of the La città che come coalition which formed an alliance, two weeks ago, with Maria Francesca Crespini’s Futura list.

“I’m satisfied with the result, considering everything they did to us on the other side. I’m not fully celebrating – is Gambini’s immediate comment – because the things that happened were sad. They said and did bad things that can’t be erased in a second and who divide. My figure and the members of the coalition have been denigrated. I will work to unite and not divide, we are happy to confirm democracy in Urbino. Now we continue to build, for Urbino and the entire hinterland, but with a different weight. Furthermore, with the victory of the center-right and the civics in Fano, Pergola and many other municipalities, the structure of the province will change”.

The president of the Marche Region, Francesco Acquaroli, also arrived at Maurizio Gambini’s electoral headquarters shortly after 6pm: “A team, a territory and a vision must win. And above all, dignity must be recovered. Answers must be given so that those who are remained proud to be from the Marche and proud to contribute to the redemption of this region. The work on infrastructure, internal areas, healthcare and services is based on this. It is not easy, closing would be simpler happy that in this electoral round the citizens have understood and given trust to the administrations that believe in the territory”.

“It’s too difficult to defeat a mayor who is running for re-election for the third time, the only case in Italy for the capital municipalities and who has been in the municipality for 25 years – Scaramucci’s immediate comment -. We were very close to realizing a dream of change. I thank the people who hoped and worked with us. I congratulate Mayor Maurizio Gambini: if we had won today, I would have explained that I was aware that half of the city had not preferred us and for this reason I would have worked hard to pacify Dal City Council we will try to pressure the administration.”

In addition to Acquaroli, several mayors arrived to celebrate Gambini, including the newly elected Luca Serfilippi of Fano, the Honorable Antonio Baldelli; the regional councilors Francesco Baldelli and Stefano Aguzzi but also Federico Talè, Nicola Baiocchi and Giacomo Rossi.

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