New speed cameras on the Eastern ring road: activation by August

New speed cameras on the Eastern ring road: activation by August
New speed cameras on the Eastern ring road: activation by August

Installation of the new ones Speed ​​Cameras along the Eastern ring road by the first half of July and activation expected by the month of August. Almost everything is ready for installation speed detectors bidirectional which will soon “monitor” two sections of the road on the Eastern Ring Road Lecce. The first plantin fact, will be built 100 meters away from the Sant’Oronzo Nord service station, in the direction of Brindisi, while the second it will be positioned close to exit 7B for San Cataldo, towards Maglie. And once the work to arrange the cables has been completed – an intervention which took longer than expected, slowing down the switching on of the electronic eyes along the city link road – in the next few days the vertical signs will be installed with warning signs with battery-operated flashing lights and station signals. Subsequently, it will be the turn of the detectors who will be able to provide double photographic documentation as proof of the infringement, checking the two lanes. And to avoid damage and vandalism, the velocimeters will be mounted on supports at least 5 meters high.

The information campaign

Motorists are therefore warned even if, as Donato Zacheo, commander of the local police of Lecce, said, before the detectors can come into operation a detailed information campaign will be promoted in order to inform residents and tourists of the measure. The initiative, authorized by the decree of the prefect of Lecce, Luca Rotondi, in July 2023, has the aim of changing the habits of thousands of motorists by requiring them to limit their speed, in order to reduce the number of accidents caused of the Eastern Ring Road the black jersey for the number of road accidents.
In 2018, 22 accidents were detected; 24 in 2019 and 2020; 27 in 2021 and – confirming the trend of increasing accidents – 36 in 2022, with 74 people involved of which 47 were unharmed, 21 injured and 3 people deceased. An important criterion, that of accidents, which the prefecture carefully evaluates. And because of this criterion, last year the prefecture confirmed the speed cameras on the Lecce-Gallipoli (in the section under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Galatina) and on the Maglie-Lecce (at Cavallino), however ordering their removal (recently confirmed also from the third section of the Lecce Regional Administrative Tribunal) of the speed camera installed along State Road 16 near Melpignano. For the Lecce plants, Project Automation Spa will be responsible for the supply of the systems and the appeals management activity for the next two years – as can be seen from the specifications – for a total amount of 161,040 euros. And the expense should be divided into the different years according to this scheme: 60,390 euros for the portion of the 2024 annual fee (with the start of the service which was originally scheduled for April 1st); 80,520 euros for the 2025 rental and 20,130 euros for the 3 months of rental (January and March) of 2026.

Among the services that the company will have to provide, in addition to the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the system being rented for the entire contractual period, insurance coverage and signage, also the training of the Viale Rossini staff responsible for managing the system. The Municipality, however, is responsible for all the obligations related to the preparation and operation of the various utilities necessary for the installation of the infringement detection stations. And the software that the operators will use will guarantee them communication between the central level and the peripheral infringement detection units, detecting transits in real time, ascertaining any infringements of article 142 of the Highway Code, generating the export of confirmed infringements and statistics, interface with the most popular infringement management software.


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