Taranto: breakfast concert – Noi Notizie.

Below is a statement released by the orchestra of Magna Grecia:

Sunday 23 June at 9.30, in the courtyard of the Church of San Massimiliano Kolbe of Paul VI, appointment with “Concert at breakfast”, a review organized by the ICO Magna Grecia, the Municipality of Taranto and created in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. On the program, with the Magna Grecia Orchestra conducted by Maestro Luigi Capuano. Free entry, with breakfast offered before the concert by “Caffè Ninfole”, “Breadmakers Association” of Taranto and “Centrale del Latte”.

In addition to the Paolo VI district, the event has programmed concerts in the same way in the Tre Carrare Battisti, Tamburi, Salinella, Città Vecchia, Taranto 2, Italia Montegranaro and Lama-Talsano districts. «An initiative – says Maestro Piero Romano, artistic director of the Magna Grecia Orchestra – which has the aim of creating a community project: meeting up and sharing a moment of joy and great music together; listen to important pieces of classical music and meet to have breakfast together, thanks to the sensitivity and intervention of local activities and associations who enthusiastically lend their collaboration free of charge”.

Luigi Capuano, graduated from the Niccolò Piccinni Conservatory of Music in Bari, and obtained second level academic diplomas in Orchestral Conducting, Choral Music and Choir Conducting, Flute and Instrument Teaching, studied and obtained the final diploma in the School of Choral conducting for the primary school of the Arcopu – Feniarco Choral Association.

Teacher at the Conservatory of Music “A. Corelli” of Messina, Capuano has written music for choir, chamber music, brass orchestra and symphony orchestra, performed in Italy and abroad at the California University of Irvine in the United States of America, the Zuiderstrandtheater of Den Haag (Holland) and the Musikverein in Vienna. The piece Ave Maria, for mixed voice choir, was performed on the tour of the Pugliese Youth Choir in Eastern European countries (Montenegro, Albania and Greece).

“Concerts at breakfast”, Sunday 23 June at 9.30 am, Courtyard of the Church of San Maximilian Kolbe of Paul VI – Free entry. Info: Orchestra Magna Grecia, via Ciro Giovinazzi 28 in Taranto (392.9199935). Site: orchestramagnagrecia.it – Social activities on Facebook (Orchestra della Magna Grecia) and Instagram (orchestra_magna_grecia).


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