The two towers of Arnolfo. A Colle-Florence pact

The two towers of Arnolfo. A Colle-Florence pact
The two towers of Arnolfo. A Colle-Florence pact

The two Arnolfo Towers now look at each other. And they talk. The Municipality of Colle and that of Florence have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the valorisation of the figure of Arnolfo di Cambio, the great architect, urban planner and sculptor born in Colle in the tower house on Via del Castello which dominates the entire city ​​and author of Palazzo Vecchio and its crenelated tower overlooking Piazza della Signoria, in Florence, one of the most admired and famous architectural works in the world.

The Protocol commits the administrations of the two cities to define common strategies aimed at the tourist promotion of Palazzo Vecchio and the Colligiana tower house, recently purchased by the Municipality to make it the center of the Colligiana museum system, as well as to promote knowledge of the museum heritage of the two cities, also through forms of joint promotion and distribution of tickets at events. All with a view to joint tourism promotion linked to art, illustrious people and the territories of reference. In addition to all this, Colle and Florence are committed to promoting in-depth events and initiatives (conferences, presentations, study days, guided tours, etc.) which have as their reference the historical figure of the artist, the architectural and urban characteristics of his works and the historical period of reference. The process of rapprochement between the two cities in the name of Arnolfo began a year ago in Colle with the visit of the vice mayor of Florence, Alessia Bettini, which was followed by an institutional meeting at Palazzo Vecchio

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