Memories “Between vegetable gardens and factories”. Traveling theatrical performances. The city tells its story

Memories “Between vegetable gardens and factories”. Traveling theatrical performances. The city tells its story
Memories “Between vegetable gardens and factories”. Traveling theatrical performances. The city tells its story

School year 1959/1960 at the Buzzi institute which, at the time, was located in Piazza Ciardi. It seems like a lifetime ago but, Oscar Wilde said, “memory is the diary that each of us always carries with us”. And the diary, in this case, emerged from a family drawer of Piero Sanesi (photo): a rediscovered textile workbook, a personal memory that ties together the threads of a collective narrative, punctuated by the sounds of the loom that many families at the time they had at home. A story that unfolds neighborhood after neighborhood, full of anecdotes, thanks to that powerful expressive medium that is the theater, with three itinerant performances that are part of the “Domestic archives | Between vegetable gardens and factories” project included in the “Prato Estate”. Three artistic and theatrical itineraries entitled “Prato a textile history” with an immersive exhibition and installation, on stage on Wednesday 26 June, 10 and 31 July (at 8.30pm, reservations required by writing to [email protected]).

The project curated by Spazio Teatrale Allcontro, the Margherita cooperative, Riciclidea, Cut and the Italian Association of Textile Chemistry and Coloristics of Prato reconstructs a story that starts from a family of sharecroppers, intertwining it with the development of Prato. The noise of the loom in every house, the work in the fields that turns into specialization in the factory, the story handed down from father to daughter made up of anecdotes and stories of the characters about the last fifty years of the 20th century in Prato. Three itinerant theatrical performances to explore the outskirts of Prato following the thread of the personal history of Piero Sanesi and the district: the actors ‘revive’ the places and stories through the memories of those who lived there in the past. It starts on June 26th with “Years 1939/1954. Peasant and agricultural meadow, sharecropping and spinning mills” from via Limberti in Grignano to Porta Santa Trinita. The theatrical walk will be preceded at 6.30 pm by an appointment in the “Materiale Project Room” space (via Santa Trinita, 71) with the inauguration of the interactive exhibition linked to the Sanesi family archive. The journey will continue on Wednesday 10 July, again at 8.30 pm, with “Years 1954/1960. The journey of the Prato textile expert”, with departure and arrival at the former Buzzi institute in Piazza Ciardi while on 31 July we will move to the former Lanisa wool mill in Mezzana for “1970s/2000s”.


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