Curzi towards the Aset presidency. Fd’I insists on the third councillor

Curzi towards the Aset presidency. Fd’I insists on the third councillor
Curzi towards the Aset presidency. Fd’I insists on the third councillor

Clash between mayor Luca Serfilippi and Davide Delvecchio (Brothers of Italy): the third seat as councilor for Meloni’s party is at stake. The mayor considered the requests of the Brothers of Italy (3 departments, the vice mayor and the presidency of the city council) inadmissible and proved to be adamant on the scheme he had prepared of 2 departments for Fd’I, 2 for the League, 1 for Fano Cambia Passo, 1 for Forza Italia and 1 Civici Fano. Someone says that the mayor advised Fd’I that he is increasingly asking not to pull the rope too much because it could break. If the scheme does not change, Loretta Manocchi (who will also be vice mayor) and Lucia Tarsi of Fratelli d’Italia, Alberto Santorelli and Gianluca Ilari of the Lega, Enzo Di Tommaso for Forza Italia, Loredana Maghernino for Civici Fano should join the council.

As for Fano Cambia Passo, if Alessio Curzi were to take over the presidency of Aset, the department could go to Marco Bavosi or Luciano Cecchini. However, the League continues to claim the leadership of Aset for Alessandro Brandoni. The presidency of the council should be entrusted to Fratelli d’Italia, most likely Davide Delvecchio. As regards the tensions between the UDC and Forza Italia, the latter will certainly have the city councilor, because Fiammetta Rinaldi will not be going to play any role in Aset, and the councilor. This afternoon, bilateral meetings Serfilippi-Fd’I and Serfilippi-Lega, the two parties that continue to make requests. By tomorrow the mayor wants to have defined the team and delegations.

An. Mar.

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