“We need a home for reformists”

Raffaella Paita (coordinator of Italia viva) what is happening within your party after the elections?

“United States of Europe was against the tide of the sovereignist vote, but with a beautiful project and high ideals: therefore no regrets. The result was disappointing, despite the excellent performance of Matteo Renzi, 207 thousand preferences, true, and for me the cause lies in the disappointment of the voters regarding the breakdown of the Third Pole. Today there is a vote in the country, about 10% that has no representation and therefore our objective is to recover a synthesis project of the reformists with a guide new. Even if the responsibilities for the breakdown of the Third Prong are not fair.

Calenda wants to move towards the Democratic Party while Forza Italia has launched a hostile takeover bid against your electorate. How do you respond?

“There was polarization in these elections, but I don’t believe that there is a perfect bipolar system in the country, I am convinced of the usefulness of having a reform centre. This does not mean that the center cannot form an alliance, but it is the bearer of a vision autonomous I could never be in a camp that renounces a law like the Jobs Act and nominates those who would like to leave NATO, or in one where there are those who want the surrender of Ukraine and recall the X Mas and nominate one. figure like Vannacci. Having said that, Tajani’s hostile takeover takes place in the wake of the strength in his party left by the memory of Berlusconi, but also because, in the meantime, the real center that had won over almost 8% of the voters no longer exists Therefore the absolute priority is to recover the original spirit of the Third Pole. Also because it serves the country, trapped between an immobile right and a left that goes back on issues such as the labor market and proposes patrimonial ones”.

Italia viva goes to congress; who could be the leader of this alignment?

“The objective for me is a new political project of the house of reformists. Renzi added that a discussion will start within Italia viva. I consider every candidacy a sign of vitality and if necessary I am ready to do my part, but I think it would be it is more useful to have a congress that is also open to other friends of the Third Pole. The path is the one traced by Renzi: let’s return to the Third Pole with a leader who is neither him nor Calenda. This is because I shy away from current logic, they remind me of the evils of PD”

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