«Puglia a bridge land for comparison»

The destinies of the “new” world in the land that is a bridge for dialogue. There Puglia an outpost of welcome and innovation, of future and hopes, for three days it will be the scenario for developing medium and long-term strategies on crucial dossiers and challenges of today and tomorrow. The three days of G7 he Italian presidency, and the summit of world leaders increasingly takes on the contours of a global political and diplomatic crossroads. Borgo Egnazia, Fasano, will be the heart of the story, and the reasons for the choice are explained to “Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia” by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: «Italy – she says – has chosen Puglia as the venue for the leaders’ summit because this is a a land that has historically represented a bridge between West and East, a land of dialogue and confrontation at the center of the Mediterranean, the “middle sea” that connects the two great maritime spaces of the globe, the Atlantic on one side and the Indo-Pacific on the other”. It is also a reference to symbols, which however are substance, content, horizon: the sea, Meloni recalls, «is also represented in the logo of the Italian Presidency of the G7, together with another symbol of national identity: the centuries-old olive tree, with its solid roots and branches projected into the future. And among the branches seven olives representing the seven Nations and their cooperation on global challenges.”

The files

Among the most urgent and burning issues that the three-day event in Borgo Egnazia will address is undoubtedly the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And, also for this reason, the face-to-face meeting between American President Joe Biden and Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelensky, scheduled for tomorrow, is particularly awaited. A good portion of the work of the G7 and the document final will be monopolized precisely by the attempt, hoped for by many and now concrete, to make a turning point, with a further alert to Putin and above all arriving at an agreement now close on the extra profits of Russian assets to support the solidarity fund for Ukraine with 50 billions of dollars.
Biden is already here: the first time for an American president to Puglia it officially took place yesterday at 10.45pm, when the imposing Air Force One landed on the runway of the armored Brindisi airport. Biden comes down from the steps, smiles and greets the institutional delegation made up of the US ambassador to Italy Jack Markell (accompanied by his wife), the Stars and Stripes ambassador to the Holy See Joseph Donnelly (also with his wife), the ceremonial head of the Farnesina Bruno Antonio Pasquino and by the prefect of Brindisi Luigi Carnevale. A picket of military forces was also waiting for him. The arrival of the Air Force had been preceded, 25 minutes earlier, by the landing of two helicopters and three CH-47 Chinooks, all from the United States. Immediately after the brief greeting, Biden boarded one of the helicopters: a top secret destination, but in all likelihood Borgo Egnazia.

The comparisons

Starting today at the ultra-luxury resort there will not only be the seven “big” ones: the Italian-led summit opens up to the world to go “outside the fortress”, and Prime Minister Meloni has extended the invitation to five international organizations (including including the UN) and a dozen guest countries, including thematic sessions and bilateral meetings. “New” world, “open” world, from equal cooperation with Africa to a look towards the global South. And the invitation card to the many outreach countries is a strong warning: heads of state who are distant from each other will meet, not just geographically.
The round of tables in Borgo Egnazia starts already this morning, with the highlight of the day in the afternoon: double session on Ukraine, one of which with the participation of Zelensky. In addition to the ritual family photo, in the evening there will be dinner at the Castello Svevo in Brindisi with the head of state Sergio Mattarella.
Tomorrow, however, the cover guest will be Pope Francis: it is the first, historic time of a pontiff at the table of the seven leaders. The theme of the session, strongly desired by Prime Minister Meloni, will be of urgent relevance: artificial intelligence, the opportunities and ethical and regulatory constraints. The series of dossiers displayed on the G7 table tells a lot about the historical moment between risks and hopes: the scenarios in Africa and migration, with inevitable references to the Mattei Plan; the economic dossiers, from competitiveness with China to the free market, up to global taxation; the focus on the Indo-Pacific, and then health and disability.
The three days are set in a phase full of fundamental transitions: the European elections, the moves for the EU, the eve of the Peace Conference on Ukraine scheduled for the weekend in Switzerland, the maximum effort for the truce in Gaza.
These hours, however, are above all those of mediation and filings on the Ukraine issue. The signal aims to be peremptory, but attention is mostly focused on the agreement regarding the aforementioned Russian assets: a balanced and shared point will be reached between American pressure and European prudence, the distances are (were) technical nature on tools and channels to use the 50 billion. Biden will further reassure Zelensky on the American commitment in Ukraine, a now vital match for the free world. Dialogue and hope can only pass through that ideal bridge that is Puglia.


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