Finale Ligure, victory for Angelo Berlangieri: he is the new mayor

Finale Ligure, victory for Angelo Berlangieri: he is the new mayor
Finale Ligure, victory for Angelo Berlangieri: he is the new mayor

Angelo Berlangieri is the new mayor of Finale Ligure and wins the long-awaited Finale election round. The outgoing vice mayor Andrea Guzzi was defeated in the challenge for the municipal elections, as were the challengers Maria Gabriella Tripepi and Simona Simonetti who were running for the seat of mayor.

With the vote still underway, Berlangieri has a lead of 500 votes which is now unbridgeable for his opponents.

The polls therefore decreed a changing of the guard at the helm of the municipal administration, with the victory of the “Berlangieri Mayor” list and its renewal program for the town of Finale, with a sign of discontinuity compared to the previous administrative mandate.

Angelo Berlangieri also held the position of regional councilor for tourism and in the past he was councilor of Finale Ligure in the centre-right council with mayor Richeri: before his role at the top in the Industrial Union he was provincial president of the hoteliers’ association ( Upa). Now for him a new challenge as mayor of Finale.

“I thank Andrea Guzzi and the other two candidates for this electoral campaign, always centered on the issues and interests of the city – Berlangieri told – This does us honor. To all the senior candidates I say: even fewer people went to vote than five years ago, therefore we must commit ourselves, each for their role, to give the meaning of a policy for Finale, for the people of Finale, with the people of Finale, at the service of city. So maybe next time we will have an increase in participation in the electoral round.”

“The secret of victory? The most important thing was to build a civic movement, made up of three groups, very close-knit, which had a sense of Finale Ligure and its needs. We spoke with thousands of fellow citizens, some who voted for us and others who made different choices. We will be at everyone’s service. As I have always said, we are not against anyone or anything. I am in favor of the city, of the people of Finale. Participation, sense of responsibility, care for the city, for people, discussion with everyone were the winning weapons that convinced the people of Finale that a change was needed to bring our city back to its ideal location within the province: in a leading position” .

The first actions of the Berlangieri administration “will be those envisaged in the program. We will try to faithfully respect it because it is the pact with the voters who have placed their trust in us. As I was saying, we will immediately get to work and serve the city to carry out the first necessary things such as the extraordinary cleaning of the streets, the mowing of greenery, the review of activities and works in progress. We need to resume the path indicated in the electoral campaign by realizing what we promised without leaving anything or anyone aside. We are not against anyone, we will be for the final and for the people of Finale, anyone who needs and needs will find our door wide open.”

Regarding the future council he adds: “We are a civic movement, we have not been influenced by any political party either on the composition of the list or on the programme. We will build the team quickly based on results, skills and availability. We will make an extremely correct and concrete reasoning between us, there are no elements of prejudice or preconceptions. We have a blank page to write.”

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