Mayor Falcomatà at the Youth Village


To the Youth Villagein the property confiscated in Ragaglioti districtin the southern area of ​​Reggio Calabriathe presentation of the summer activities of Let’s wait for a non-profit organization. The Association dedicated to volunteering was born in Reggio Calabria on September 27, 2001 by the enthusiasm of Don Valerio Chiovaroand four university students (Giovanni Mazza, Domenico Paino, Alfredo Pudano and Giuseppe Falcone) who shared the beauty of a true friendship and the need to spread goodness.

In these 22 years the Organization has continued its path of growth, seeking as its mission to intercept (and succeeding in) multiple educational challenges. The mayor was there to bring the greetings of the Municipality and the Metropolitan City Giuseppe Falcomatà.

During the event, the testimonies of the protagonists who experienced the activities firsthand in the past months and the plan of what will happen in the summer weekswith the division by age (middle school from 11 to 1 years; junior from 14 to 18 years and university from 18 to 25 years), weekly summer meetings and transversal activities that concern everyone and will take place both at Village that al Margariti park Of Bruzzano, to Lazarus it’s at Santo Stefano d’Aspromonte. Also a video recorded with greetings from Don Valerio which is currently outside European borders.

Compliments came from the mayor because 22 years of associationism are not easy to carry forward, in a city where associations proliferate, but few are those that manage to resist over the years and also through generational change. The intuition of Don Valerio it brought the hoped-for fruits, according to the mayor, because it was sown well. The Mayor has then thanked the association for all ongoing activities, since it represents not only an excellence of the city but a testimony of how much Reggio it’s beautiful outside too. The commitment to Milan, in Tuscany, together with that in other places, it demonstrates how capable the city is of producing a sense of community, as Attendiamoci is doing, and exporting it beyond local borders.

Further thanks from the mayor went to the activities carried out with and for young people, in particular, in consideration of the difficulties that young people face if they are not there “educational agencies” which allow us to better understand values ​​and disvalues. Finally, for the mayor, the Association is the testimony of Reggio “beautiful and kind”, not only in things, but above all in people. An activity that helps the city build a sense of community and hope.

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