Reggio Calabria, an open council on the Strait Bridge

Spotlights turned on again on the Strait Bridge. A topic that has been little talked about in the last days of the electoral campaign for the European elections. The Municipality of Reggio Calabria is helping to reignite the debate on the work, with an open city council meeting on the topic that will be held in a few days. Here’s who will participate and who can request to participate, having their say on the mega work that should unite the Reggio and Messina shores.

Bridge over the Strait, what are the implications? It is discussed in Reggio Calabria in an open city council meeting

The agenda is “Bridge over the Strait – Prospects and implications for Reggio Calabria and its metropolitan city”. The open city council meeting is set for Friday afternoon, June 14, at 4:30 p.m.

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The invitation was sent by the Prime Minister, Vincenzo Marra. The session will be held in Piazza Italia. Pursuant to article 52 of the Municipal Council Regulation, Parliamentarians will be invited, representatives of the RegionOf other municipalitiesof the popular participation bodies and of social associations, economical, sports, cultural, policies And trade unions interested in the topics on the agenda.

The city meeting scheduled for Friday it is proposedobjective of discussing and studying a topic of particular interest for the entire population of the metropolitan area Reggina as well as that of Messina.

City council open on the Bridge, how to participate

As required by article 52 of the Regulation, a note from Palazzo San Giorgio specifies, «the President, guaranteeing the full freedom of expression of the members of the Municipal Council, also allows interventions by the representatives as invited above, who bring their contribution of opinions, knowledge, support and illustrate to the City Council the orientations of the bodies and parties represented”.

TO KNOW MORE: Bridge over the Strait, the Ministry of the Environment requests 200 new documents

In short, anyone who is part of a local association or reality can participate by sharing their contribution. To do this, as has already happened on similar occasions during which other public domain issues were addressed, you need to book in advance. How to do? The note from the Municipality of Reggio Calabria explains it further: «Any requests for interventions by interested bodies and associations must be booked in advance by sending a certified e-mail to the following address: [email protected] , no later than 13 on Thursday 13 June, with the indication of the details of the applicants (natural or legal persons)”.

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In the open municipal council, in accordance with the regulation – concludes the note – the intervention of private citizens not included in the aforementioned categories is not permitted.

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