150 fellow citizens took part – AndriaLive.it

The 46th Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage, an emblematic event of spiritual life, also saw the significant participation of the Andria community. Three buses, with about 150 pilgrims on board, left on Saturday at noon from the Maria delle Grazie parish, located in via Castel del Monte, after the blessing and prayers of Bishop Luigi Mansi.

The Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage, born from the charisma of Don Giussani, represents a popular gesture of faith that attracts thousands of people, especially young people, every year. The 28 kilometer route, which winds through the evocative hills of the Marche region, is characterized by an intense nocturnal journey that symbolizes the journey of life, a march towards hope and the light of dawn. The Holy Mass, celebrated by the cardinal Pizzaballa at 9pm, marked the official start of the pilgrimage, followed by the departure from Macerata at 10pm.

«Pilgrimage is not just a physical journey, but also an opportunity to meet and share. The prayers, songs, testimonies and demonstrations along the route create a connective tissue that unites the participants into a single people, begging and supportive, who rely on the Virgin Mary to ask for help and support for themselves and for the whole world – comments one of the participants in the journey -. The pilgrims from Andria, together with the other participants, experienced a night of intense spirituality, experiencing brotherhood and solidarity in a context of continuous prayer.

The arrival in Loreto, scheduled for 6:30 in the morning, was a moment of joy and relief for all participants. The tiredness accumulated during the night instantly vanished in front of the Basilica of Loreto, in front of the venerated statue of the Black Madonna. The experience, in addition to being physically demanding, was profoundly enriching from a spiritual and community point of view, with its messages of brotherhood, solidarity and above all peace.”

This year, the pilgrimage saw the participation of over 50,000 people from all regions of Italy and also from other countries. This large influx of pilgrims testifies to the growing importance and attractiveness of this event, which continues to be a powerful expression of Christian faith and hope.

The Macerata-Loreto Pilgrimage remains a vibrant symbol of the journey of life, a path that, through effort and prayer, leads to light and hope. The participation of the Andria community was tangible proof of this, adding their contribution to this extraordinary demonstration of faith and unity.

Monday 10 June 2024


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