Minister Musumeci visits the Port Authority – Coast Guard of Mazara del Vallo

Minister Musumeci visits the Port Authority – Coast Guard of Mazara del Vallo
Minister Musumeci visits the Port Authority – Coast Guard of Mazara del Vallo

This afternoon, the Minister for Civil Protection and Maritime Policies, as part of the numerous institutional appointments that have seen him involved in the Sicilian territory, visited the headquarters of the Port Authority of Mazara del Vallo.

The Minister – Hon. Nello MUSUMECI, accompanied by the mayor of Mazara del Vallo, was welcomed by the Frigate Captain (CP) Raffaele Giardina, Commander of the Port Authority of Mazara del Vallo.

The Minister spoke with the Commander discussing some issues relating to the Mazara port system for which he showed great interest, expressing appreciation for the daily effort made by the Corps staff in carrying out the institutional activities of their competence, especially in relation to the tasks carried out in benefit of all “maritime” and of those who live and work at sea and who derive their livelihood from the sea.

On this occasion, the Minister expressed to the military and civilian staff of the Office his satisfaction with the quality and effectiveness with which the Maritime Administration carries out the delicate role of reference at a territorial level for the maritime fishing sector, underlining the the importance of the service ensured by the Port Authority Corps to respond to the various requests of the citizen, highlighting, in particular, the privileged relationship that binds the Maritime Authority to the City, as a precious point of reference for the local navy, and more generally, for the related industries of the sea.

After the welcoming honors rendered by the staff, the Minister, before continuing with further meetings at the provincial level, wanted to demonstrate his appreciation by signing the “book of honor” of the Port Authority of Mazara del Vallo.

Mazara del Vallo, 04 June 2024

Port Authority of Mazara

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