there is already a general agreement

Alessio Dionisi seems to be the chosen one for the rosanero bench. The former Sassuolo coach has “overtaken” Paolo Zanetti in the preferences of the Rosanero management and is close to an agreement with the Viale del Fante club. In truth, Dionisi’s name is not a new one: he had already been investigated after his dismissal from the Modena team, then the contacts were no longer followed up. The City Group likes his profile a lot: he loves working with young people, seeks proactive and modern football, and knows English well.

The dialogue with Paolo Zanetti had entered a stalemate: the coach had given his availability and the parties had to update again. However, it seems that in the last ten days the Rosanero club has not followed up on the contacts, so much so that the coach’s entourage has started dialogue with other clubs. Zanetti, in fact, has admirers in Serie A (Verona above all) and does not seem to want to wait any longer. In reality, precisely in those days the Rosanero management intensified contacts with Dionisi.

Now the Tuscan coach really seems one step away from the Palermo bench. His is a cutting-edge 4-3-3, with a construction from the bottom that involves the goalkeeper, defense line and midfielder. The development phase of the action is generally conducted by the two midfielders (fundamental in Dionisi’s game) and by the full-backs who accompany the ball carrier. The lateral chains must carry out, in the Tuscan coach’s idea of ​​football, a rapid and effective job. The insertions of the two midfielders then become decisive.

In the 2020-2021 season he brought Empoli back to Serie A by winning the championship: in that team there were two key players, Stulac in midfield and Mancuso in attack. Who knows, maybe the arrival of Dionisi might change the fortunes of the two players in Palermo: the attacker is on loan with the right to buy, the Slovenian has had little space this season despite the goals he scored and assists to his teammates. While waiting to define the situation regarding the sporting director, therefore, an important evolution on the bench front: Dionisi is close to the rosanero.

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