Welfare, pact between the three mayoral candidates for shared administration. Here are the commitments made

Welfare, pact between the three mayoral candidates for shared administration. Here are the commitments made
Welfare, pact between the three mayoral candidates for shared administration. Here are the commitments made

FANO A declaration of commitment to social policies a Fano, it could be defined as the Pact of Sant’Orso. Signed by the mayoral candidates Cristian Fanesi (centre-left), Stefano Marchegiani (progressives) and Luca Serfilippi (centre-right) the document prepared by the third sector associations, the day before last evening during the public debate promoted by the Acli provincials in the parish hall-oratory in Sant’Orso, which was packed with 150 people.

The points of the agreement

But what exactly did the three candidates sign up to? First of all, Acli and a group of associations operating in the social sector, who developed the document, propose to establish “a councilor delegation with a specific mandate on the development of shared administration and relations with the third sector”.

We also need, by next December, “a regulation that guides co-planning activities in a transparent and legitimate manner”, while next November is the deadline for approving the “territorial pact of shared administration”. Whoever of the three candidates is elected mayor must also consider himself committed to convening, “in the first hundred days of his mandate, the general welfare states”.

The strategic plan

The sector assembly would be called to “build a strategic plan” that has four priority objectives. The first: proceed with the integration between healthcare areas and districts. The second: «Enhance social, educational, socio-health services and all the processes that generate welfare in the area»; The third: «Deal with the reorganization of the two social areas 6 and 7». The fourth: «Develop co-programming».

Technical requests, but which can be simplified as a desire for involvement and new logic in the management of social policies. The wall against wall between associations and the outgoing administration, regarding the public company for personal services, is in fact still a fresh wound.

The general welfare states

The discussion started from the theme of the general states. For Fanesi, outgoing vice mayor, the doors are open to an assembly which would be a useful “contribution to the development of new ideas”. Green light also in comparison with other experiences, for example Bologna, and the coincidence between the social sphere and the health district: «However, the Region has postponed the deadline for the operation and Serfilippi could explain the reason».

Serfilippi replied: «The general states are fundamental, unfortunately in Fano there is a profound separation between the outgoing administration and the third sector. I remember that the Region issued a tender for one and a half million to encourage co-planning.”

Marchegiani’s negative opinion on the work of the outgoing council was also clear: «No sharing of decision-making processes, methods were adopted that bypassed the criteria of shared administration».

«Unprecedented gesture»

The organizers believe that the joint signing of the declaration is “an unprecedented gesture: overcoming political barriers, the candidates have committed to strengthening social policies, improving services and promoting sustainable and inclusive development”.


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Adriatic Courier

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